Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Word to the Wise

Don't EVER buy generic deoderant!! Just don't do it!

Trying to save a couple bucks? Think, "It's just deoderant - what difference could it make" ?


Generic is great when purchasing many items, but I learned from my mistake on this one. For the last several weeks, it has felt like I'm rubbing my pits with sand paper. Take it from a tightwad: definitely not worth the $1.43 I saved.


~~anna~~ said...

Charity, thanks for the chuckle at 6:30 AM (that's 5:30 your time). And there are no other uses for generic deoderant that I have ever found...

Anonymous said...

I think the deoderant was in the store right next to the baby wipes I bought for the kids. You know the ones....they removed the poopy and skin at the same time.


danny2 said...

there are a few things that generic makes a terrible difference:

i take your word for it with deodorant.
toilet paper
and peanut butter. nothing can replace jiff!

~~anna~~ said...

Oh, for a roll of Charmin!!! Much better than the *one-step-removed-from-sandpaper* we have here...

Jiff chunky peanut butter...mmmmm...on hot toast....mmmmmm

lyndie said...

i find this a fascinating topic as it is one recently dicussed at work, with my client's mom. not only is off-brand scathing, but it is also weaker. i have yet to find a deoderant that can stand up to my armpits when i'm nervously teaching about STDs in front of a classroom. the pit-stains just make me more nervous and self-concious, leading to vicious cycle only relieved by finishing the class and beating a quick retreat. i'd pay $10/stick if i knew without doubt it would work under pressure.
pardon me if this is all too personal- you will remember, i teach high schoolers about STD's- i've learned to be forthright.

danny2 said...


try applying a surgical tube from your pit, under your clothes to your shoe.

it will leave a puddle on the ground, which may mean you are answering other questions...but your pits will be dry and clear.

Charity said...

Other generics to avoid:

spam (called "Treat")
makeup (bad for your skin!)
laundry detergent - at least it's never worked for me
soda pop - unless it's a youth event, "Mountain Lightning" just doesn't cut it.

~~anna~~ said...

Spam even in its natural form is nasty..unless you are camping. But then campfire makes everything taste great!

I tried the off-brand laundry soap here...NASTY stuff. The soap suds were a grey scum on the surface of the water. Felt like I had to rinse the clothes at least three times just to get the scum off.
For future reference---never buy the 5 gallon bucket of off-brand soap when you have never used it before!

Buying Tide here would require a major adjustment in our budget, but I have found Fab a good choice.

~~anna~~ said...

By the way Lyndie, you could brush up on your Spanish and come down here to give your talks in the villages and bateys. They could prove quite beneficial here, too!