Thursday, February 22, 2007

You know the bossiness is out of control when . . .

RACHEL: Mom, can we watch a movie? (This request made at least a dozen times a day.)

ME: I tell you what - If you clean up all of your Polly Pocket things, I'll let you watch a short one.

RACHEL: Yea!! (jumping up and down and heading toward the living room)

ME: Not so fast! Remember it's Zekers' turn to pick the movie this time.


ME: Where are you going?

RACHEL: To tell Zekers which movie he wants to watch!


zachfisher said...

sounds like me

~~anna~~ said...

As soon as I read this I chuckled. Then it hit me....isn't this the way we respond to God quite often....telling HIM what he's going to do for us. Oh, but we *disguise* it as prayer. Don't know why, but Rachel's line just made me draw that comparison.
Your blogs always encourage me....thanks so much for ALL that you are doing for God's glory!

Charity said...

That's true .. . . I'm really good at figuring out ways for God to solve all of my problems. Why doesn't He ever ask for my advice?? :-)

Anonymous said...

So how does Miss Rachel fit in with her mom's patterns as a young thing? You know...Betty Webbertz, give me a drop of your blood, swear life time allegiance, and all that jazz? mm