Thursday, August 30, 2007

Doctor, Doctor, Mr. MD

How much easier life would be if we didn't need doctors!!

Several months ago, my OBGYN told me he was leaving at the end of August to teach / practice in a larger city about an hour from here. So since June, I've been going back and forth over whether to stay with him and just drive an hour for my appointments, or to transfer to the only other OB in our city. I've been with him for the deliveries of all three of the munchkins, and let's face it - a good OB is one doctor that's hard to replace!

In the end, I decided to stay here, mainly because with the delivery of our fourth child, I'm thinking an hour's drive to the hospital would only result in Danny having to deliver the baby in the van on the way there! The hospital here is about 2 blocks from our house, so the drive just didn't make sense. The only other option was to be induced several weeks early, but, as tempting as that is right now, I really, really don't want to go that route. We've been there already with both girls, and I'd love to go on my own this time if possible.

So now it's been 2 1/2 weeks since my last appointment, and I'm still waiting to have my records transferred. Once that happens (I've been told it may be a couple more weeks), the new doctor is so overbooked that it may be several more weeks before I even get an appointment with her, and by that time I may be in labor! So I'm thinking maybe I should stay with my current dr after all, and maybe just deliver here in town with whoever is on call. As far as insurance, we're covered either way. Aaaggghhh! I don't know what to do! I hate being this far along (34 weeks) and having no doctor.

And today I found out that the kids' pediatritian, who I absolutely love (and so do they), is going to be practicing 3 days a week at another branch that's also an hour from where we live, and only one day at the branch we currently go to. That one day just happens to be a not-good day for us to schedule appointments. So I'm thinking I may need to find another pediatritian as well. This wouldn't be nearly as big a deal if I wasn't about to have a baby, who's going to be going in about every 2-3 months for a while!

Don't our doctors know they're supposed to schedule their lives around us??


Anonymous said...

hey, at least your obgyn is still somewhat local. mine moved to wisconsin between ty and cami's birth. and i don't know why we have such a hard time keeping a good pediatrician around here.

hope you aren't letting it stress you out. you don't need that.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain and frustration, sweetie. But remember this, God is more concerned about the details of your life than you are. He may amaze you when you look back on these days and see His hand in the mix! Hang in there. I'm sure I don't have to tell you to pray about it...knowing you, you already have...many times! mm

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if we could go back to the old fashioned doctor, one for the whole family & for every need?

I'm sure the OBG situation is a real stress for you. Three out of four times, we ended up with an intern or another dr. doing the delivery, and it all worked out okay. (I'm thinking our dr. made out pretty well to get payment for four babies, only having delivered one! lol.) I guess I'd go for the check-ups with your dr. and then deliver in town with whoever is on call. Neither option sounds real comforting, but that one sounds better than Danny doing the delivery in the van. :)

Praying you get it all worked out soon, long before your time!

Chris said...

You know how much I love your pediatricians. I am wondering too, if it isn't time to change. With the price of gas and the fact you live 45 minutes away it is only going to get harder for you to keep up on shots and check-ups. Now that Rach will be starting school she will be dragging home all kinds of germs and you will be making even more "sick" visits. I worry about you driving to Dayton in the winter too. Would't it be nice to run to the Dr. and be home in half and hour?

Anonymous said...

I have a solution for you, don't live where you do! move to a bigger city, there is no end to our doctors here :-)