Monday, March 09, 2009

Pure Delight

Our little kiddos have been a lot of fun lately . . . How did we ever entertain ourselves before they came along??

Rachel and Danny attended their first Daddy-Daughter dance last Sunday - a school fundraiser held at a local banquet hall. When they got back they both had a glow about them: Rachel's was the glow of pure delight at being able to go on a date with her Daddy; Danny's was basically sweat-induced, but he did say he had a lot of fun with Rach.

Malachi enjoys "helping" around the house. He sweeps the kitchen floor, although this isn't as much about eliminating dirt as relocating it. He slam-dunks his dirty diapers into the trash can (after kissing and hugging them for a while). He almost always closes the dishwasher for me - as I'm trying to put dishes into it.

And lately he likes to help put clothes into the dryer. The problem is, it's always the load I've just removed! He puts the clean, dry clothes in at the same time I'm putting wet ones in, and then gets a big self-congratulatory grin on his face. Once he's placed several items into the dryer, he shuts the door and then likes to "talk" to me about his accomplishment. What is there to do but enjoy this moment of complete silliness?

There have been some pretty sweet times lately, when I suddenly realize it's been quiet for several minutes, the reason being that the kiddos are ALL playing nicely together!! I even let Malachi sit on the table for a good 20 minutes (something I'm usually pretty strict about) simply because they were all having such a good time playing with Polly Pocket dolls and NOT fighting!

And I finally found something I love about this time of year: CLEARANCE SALES!!


Margaret said...

It's very rewarding to simply enjoy your children, isn't it? I know...

Wow! That was better than a good deal. I'd say Penney's lost a little money on that one. :)

Charity said...

The saleswoman who rang this up told me they had to get rid of all their "old" inventory within the week . . . usually things are so picked over by this time, I was shocked to actually find something I've been looking for for the past 3 years in my size!!! (and at such an affordable price) woo hoo!

JanAl said...

Yeah for clearance!
I need to hit some racks! Sheldon has all of a sudden, out grew almost everything! Clothes that use to fit, not that long ago, are hilarious to see on him now, especially when the sleeve of his arm comes up about three inches from his wrist, I jokingly tell him, "it doesn't look that bad!", but for some reason he refuses to go anywhere like that. ;]

Kati said...

I see Malachi is still not over the soak-the-neck-of-the-shirt phase. :)

Sweet daddy-daughter picture! She will treasure that memory, I'm sure.

Charity said...

Poor little dude - I'm fully expecting his wedding tux to be wet around the neck!

Chris said...

Their sweet phone calls and hugs have been the best medicine for me.

~~anna~~ said...

So many wonderful memories for you!

That was quite some sale you got at Penneys! Happiness!

One thing about coming back to the States in August?september, is that all the stores are doing summer clearance! Which is really great for us!

danny2 said...

to be serious (no joking in this statement), i have to believe that hunting for these kind of deals (without obsessing over shopping) is a practical fulfillment of several of the qualities of a proverbs 31 woman.

Charity said...

Now, that makes me want to be even MORE like the Prov. 31 Woman (more shopping!!) :D But seriously, thanks for the compliment, Sweetie; it IS hard sticking to the budget sometimes. . . but God always provides - for needs and often for "wants"!

Anonymous said...

i think that whatever it was you got for that amazing price you need to turn around and sell on ebay for 3X the amount.....

Charity said...

You know, that could become a nice little side business! I know someone that makes a bundle by selling things he's gotten at white elephant gift exchanges, and books from Goodwill, on ebay. It pays for their family vacation every year.

Chris said...

I would have paid the $225. if I could have fit into the MEDIUM!!!!!