Thursday, August 13, 2009

We're Finally Cool . . . Almost

Last weekend, Danny had the privilege of marrying a young couple at our church. It was a beautiful, fun wedding and reception; our only mistake was attempting, for the first and last time, to bring all four of our munchkins. (Next time we're going to have to make other arrangements for Mr. Moo!) It always brings such joy to see 2 people joined together who honestly desire to honor Christ with their marriage and to watch them grow together.

The bride and groom used my FIL's red convertible to ride away in; then they parked it at our place, so we could return it the following day, and drove their car. So, we did what anyone in our position with class and style would have done: drove it to McDonald's. We crammed Zekers, Karis and Mr. Moo in the back, and Rach, Danny and I sat up front. And did we ever live it up - we drove at least 25 mph to McD's and then around town. Are we cool or what??

So, here is a little glimpse of our night on the town . . .

Big Mac, anyone?

Rach and I had fun with the camera.

Malachi's favorite spot is the driver's seat.


Anonymous said...

Zachary loves to "drive" our little Escort whenever he gets the chance, too. It's so cute!

April Mendenhall

JanAl said...

You are TOTALLY COOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you all look "very cool" !

Margaret said...

waaaayyyy cool!

Eileen said...

Oh neat! What a fun memory - and great that you've got it documented! Who had more fun - the kids or the parents? ;)

Chris said...

Moo sits higher in the car than Grandma Thomas....

marilyn66 said...

Is this the time that Zeke discovered after riding for 30 min. that there was no roof on the car?

Charity said...

Yep, he noticed it about the time we were arriving back home!