An unfortunate side effect of growing up with older sisters.
The winter olympics were apparently quite inspiring to some. I really got into the figure skating, snowboarding and skiing. It does get old after a while, though, when every men's event involves head-to-toe spandex, and/or hot pink piping.
Now that Karis' hair is shorter, it's lots more fun in the bath.
Rachel enjoyed practicing for, and taking part in, Sparks-A-Rama, the AWANA games for grades K-2.
I THINK Zekers liked it, too - at least that's what he told me when I asked him. But you wouldn't have thought it to look at him. He's the one hiding behind the trophy.
The kiddos were excited to see one of their favorite babysitters who moved away several years ago . . . .
. . . at the wedding of a sweet friend and her husband, who met in Mali - Rachel & Ibrahim Maiga. Danny had the privilege of marrying the 2 of them, and I had the privilege of keeping the kiddos entertained while he did it!
The next afternoon, we got to spend some time with another favorite past babysitter, Marissa. Karis was heartbroken to wake up from her nap and find her beloved "Mawissa" had gone.
Rachel and Danny had a very special night at the Father-Daughter dance put on by her school that evening. She donned her most princess-y dress, had Mommy put flowers in her hair, counted down the minutes until the event . . . and then spent most of it dancing with her friends. You gotta love second grade!
This past Saturday, we drove to Columbus to visit my grandparents. Grandpa is in a nursing home and Grandma has settled into a nearby community. First we stopped and saw her new place, and then we visited Grandpa for several hours. It was hard to see him so thin and tired, but he seemed to be in pretty good spirits, and he recognized all of us.
Grandma's girl
Afterward, we stopped by to see our dear, long-time friends Dave and Johanna, and their clan, which was increased by one last Monday.
So much chocolate . . . so little time!
WOW!Iloved the post, Rachel is so lucky to have a Dad that spends time with her, I would have given a lot to have my Dad spend time with me like that!
Sue House
Sue, I completely agree. She is one lucky girl!
So is it an 'all out date?' You know, open the car door for her, have her take his arm, open the building door, etc? Great way to teach her how a man should treat Daddy's princess!
That little heartbreak photo of Kariboo is so sweet. Wish I could scoop her up in my arms. (but that last one of Moo warns me to wear black the next time I visit!)
Oh yeah, it was the whole shebang, and ended with dinner at Wendy's! You can't beat that.
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