Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's 1:00 am, and I can't sleep. Maybe it's the restless thoughts roaming around inside my head that refuse to be quieted. Maybe it's the strong cup of coffee I drank several hours ago. Either way, it's been a full day . . . and my brain and my body just won't shut down for the night.

As we sat down to eat dinner, I received a phone call. Somehow, although what I heard didn't surprise me, I wasn't prepared for the news, or for the rush of tears that immediately followed. oh, Jesus, why must some people suffer so?

A lot of things have been weighing on me lately. And I realized tonight, as I lay in bed unsuccessfully trying to will myself to sleep, that most of it boils down to . . . feeling desperately inadequate.

I've always taken my job as a mother very seriously, but recently I've begun to feel the weight of it - the significance of this staggering responsibility I have to play a key role in 4 young lives. Modeling, and instructing them in, the ways of Christ; teaching them to love and follow Him when I myself fall so woefully short. I see them picking up on attitudes they see in me - repeating words & phrases they hear from me - and it takes my breath away, the amount of influence I have in each of their lives, for good or for evil. I try to be consistent with discipline, to lavish them with love, to demonstrate joy, but sometimes I'm just . . . tired. You don't get to say, "OK, this week you'll have a substitute Mommy - I'm going on vacation." You don't get a break from it, because even when you're most worn out or discouraged, they're watching and learning from you. oh Jesus, this parenting thing is hard!

I also feel inadequate as a wife - particularly as a pastor's wife. How do I encourage my husband, but also help to sharpen him? I want to be there for him, to always have the perfect words roll off my tongue - the exact words he needs to hear to make everything alright. Instead, so often what rolls out of my mouth are words of self-pity or criticism. And how do you make your home a peaceful haven when he comes in the door after work to find Polly Pocket dolls and Little People scattered all over the living room - not to mention the piles of laundry I haven't gotten to yet? Did the Proverbs 31 woman ever have days like this?

All around me is pain. Broken bodies. Broken marriages. Broken hearts. I feel it sweeping over me like some kind of unstoppable current, and I am powerless to do anything to make any of it better.

But that's just it. I am inadequate. HE is not. Jesus Christ, the all-powerful, unchanging, sovereign Lord of all, is able to do everything I cannot. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

And even now, in the wee hours of the morning as I sit here trying to make sense of my feverish thoughts, I hear his still small voice: "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden (beating your brains out trying to do what only I can do) and I will give you rest . . . take my yoke upon you and learn from me . . . for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

I hate it when my own weakness and helplessness stare me in the face. But I love that my Savior's strength and peace and perfect love reside within me! And if I have to be faced daily with my own inadequacies in order to appreciate His glorious grace in my life, then I am grateful for those inadequacies (or at least am becoming more so).

Jesus, help me to live a life worthy of the calling I have received. My words will fix nothing. But Your Word brings comfort and hope. My efforts are in vain. But Your grace is sufficient. oh, how I love You!

. . . not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6)


Kati said...

Thanks for sharing, Charity. He reminds me, too, that as my heart aches for so many of the situations around me, that He is in perfect control, and it is His job to hold all things together. He is faithful--and we can rest in Him.

Mindy said...

God bless you Charity for being so open. I can't tell you how many times I have laid awake with the burdens of life. I need to be reminded of Jesus' comforting arms. You are a blessing to me. Love you sister.

danny2 said...

hey, i like playing with polly pockets!

truly, the "mess" in the living room is so inconsequential.

the desire to point our children toward Christ, even in the midst of failures and pain--that's the real substance.

love you dearly!

JanAL said...

Words and compliments could never be enough to tell you how God has used you in my life this past year. You have no idea the depth of the pit I was in at times, and God used you, to raise my eyes to Christ and lift me up.
I praise God for you, with ALL of my heart!


Chris said...

Being so honest about your feelings - it's just another reason I love you.

marilyn66 said...

Raising children in this society is something those my age have not faced. Though things were simpler when you & Danny were young, there were still challenges but nothing like today. I am sure that you have many prayer warriers holding you up, grandparents of those 4 darlings especially!

Love ya!!! You are doing a great job (w/ the Lord's help, of course!).

marcie said...

oh...I can so relate to these feelings you so appropriately described. I too, have been feeling the burden. Sometimes the weight is overwhelming...but you are right about the strength of the Lord. When we are weak, HE IS STRONG. Praise God for that! Thanks for sharing your heart, Charity. You are a lovely woman of God, someone I look up to...keep up the great work - trusting in your Father every step of the way. Blessings, friend!

Charity said...

I am truly blessed to have friends (& moms!) like you. Thank you for your words of encouragement and for reminding me of God's goodness. I love you all!

Charity said...

And I left out the person I love the most . . . my wonderful husband. I couldn't do any of this without you. I love you!