Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Perfect Evening

Friday night, Danny & I went out – just the 2 of us – for the first time since Karis made her grand entrance over 5 months ago. It was glorious. Not that we did anything spectacular; we ate at Friday’s (where else?), because I love their bruschetta chicken pasta. Danny, of course, had a burger. We walked around the mall holding hands, not even trying to hide our gleeful smiles every time we saw harried parents struggling with strollers, infant seats, and screaming children. We discussed life, ministry, our kids, our future, our dreams. We also talked about things of absolutely no significance whatsoever.

And we laughed. I forgot how important laughter is for a marriage. Experts are always extolling the virtues of intimacy & sex (and those are definitely essential – as my loving husband regularly reminds me), but I think shared laughter deserves a mention as well. Laughter infuses a marriage with life and wipes away months of stress. (And besides, what else can you do when you’re stopped behind a pimped-out car with a license plate that says, “QUIT H8 N”?)

So, in spite of our fruitless search, both for Once Upon a Child and for kids’ educational software for Mac, we came home relaxed and energized. We stopped at our favorite gas station (where Danny bought Propel and I bought possibly the worst cappuccino I’ve ever tasted), and we sat in warm, blissful silence most of the way home.

Jason & Jodi, after an evening with our little angels, were completely worn out. We owe them BIG.


danny2 said...

hey, laughter and intimacy/sex can be combined. intentionally or not, i think i've atleast taught you that.

Gary Underwood said...

Ironically, Jennie and I went out last night too, and my parents watched our kids. We ate at the Melting Pot, where they have great fondue chocolate. The conversation got much more intimate when my wife looked me squarely in the eyes and said, "How's Elton Brand playing lately?"

I love marriage!

~~anna~~ said...

Sounds like fun! Glad you were able to get away. Reminds me of one time Bob and I went out by ourselves to the mall and as we passed by the bathrooms, we were near ecstatic that we didn't have to ask if any one had to go "potty".

Anonymous said...

Gary, please don't leave blog replies if they don't make any sense. Most of us like to read worthwhile comments. It amazes me what our pastors really are doing with their time.

danny2 said...


this may be accidental, but please show yourself.

a rebuke without a name is hardly an honest rebuke. (again, if it was an accident that your name wasn't included, please don't be offended).

Charity said...

"Schatzy" - you've taught me that laughter can be combined with a lot of things!

Gary - when we lived in cols, i always wanted to go to the melting pot b/c i love fondue. There and the zoo. i guess we'll have to make a few more trips to Cols . . .

Anna - i know; i hate it when David keeps telling us he has to use the potty. :-)

Anonymous - Thanks for reading my blog. I don't know for sure who you are, but I'd be interested to know what in particular about Gary's comment you felt didn't make sense. One bummer about this mode of communication is the inability to pick up on tone, so i don't know if you were seriously bothered, or just joking.

jason said...

Gary, nobody from your church reads my blog so you can leave pointless commentary anytime you want.

Charity, you don't owe us big... Consider this payment for all the times your husband pays for my lunch.

And besides, I still laugh everytime I think about Rachel telling me about how she accidently peed on her green my little pony... which I refuse to touch... no matter how many times you washed it... I'm being serious.

Charity said...


I'm not going to tell you how many items in this house Rach has peed on, nor will i divulge which stuffed animals we've found looking up at us from inside the toilet thanks to Zekers.

Just how many times has Danny bought your lunch!? I guess if it keeps you from spending Jodi's Christmas money, it's well worth it. Pathetic.