Sunday, February 05, 2006

Walking on Broken Glass

I think this house must be jinxed. Or maybe it's just an old fashioned lack of coordination on my part (most likely the latter). About every 2 weeks, for the past several months, some large glass object ends up on the floor, in about 6,283 pieces. I'm not kidding - these incidents occur with alarming regularity.

It all began the night we had friends over for dinner and someone (not me) set the glass baking dish containing our dessert on the front left stove burner, which just happened to have been left on (by me). As I discovered this and began sprinting toward said stove, the dish literally exploded. Shards of glass flew throughout our kitchen and dining room. Fortunately, none landed in or on any of the five children present, and we had already eaten some of the dessert, so it wasn't a total loss!

Then there's the large glass popcorn bowl which fell all of 1 1/2 feet onto a carpeted floor and broke into at least a dozen pieces. And my favorite stoneware mixing bowl which disintegrated when I attempted to sit another glass bowl inside it. And the ceramic piggy bank I found in pastel fragments on the floor of Rachel's room after she'd spent the morning playing with 2 of her friends. And the juice glass I started to wash until I realized a huge chunk of it had broken off in the sink. I could go on . . .

So if we have you sign a waiver at the door the next time you stop by, you'll know why. And be sure to wear thick-soled shoes.


lyndie said...

i empathize. david and i lost a whole set of drinking glasses in our first year of marriage. i bought the plastic ones and our traumatic incidences decreased - somewhat.

so neat that you have a blog. what an adorable pic of you and karis... see ya tues. :)

jason said...

I found a glass shard in my foot after being over at your guys house... you can expect a subpeona in the morning.

I like the blog though.

Anonymous said...

What is your floor made of? We noticed that corelle and glassware will occasionally (not always) bounce off cheap linoleum. Wood is occasionally forgiving. Ceramic tile? Not a chance. If you drop it and it can break, it will break.

Anonymous said...

sounds like me...but i always try to carry too many things at a time.

Gary Underwood said...

Charity - great blog!

I know this doesn't help, but our house experienced the wrath of January...

Dishwasher broke - cheaper to buy a new one or wash our own stinking dishes.

Windshield broke - one stone hits the front of the Accord and I wake up the next morninng to a 2-foot-long crack in the windshield.

Heater broke - we wake up to 50-degree temperatures in our house, and the heater guy can't show up to fix it until 4:30pm.

I also empathize.

I also post comments on blogs that don't make any sense. I want to apologize in advance for any chaos I haphazardly produce.

~~anna~~ said...

First year of our marriage I broke so many glasses Bob took me to a resale shop and bought me a *set* of plastic ones. I HATE drinking out of plastic! Amazingly, here where everything is tile floors, about the only things that have broken have been in shipping from the States.

Charity said...

Lyndi & Anna - I guess I should consider myself fortunate; five out of the original 12 glasses from our wedding remain. I give those five survivors until the end of 2006!

Jason - I'm still waiting for that subpeona. . . Hey, if you discover any more glass shards in your feet, I hear Wayne Hospital has a top-notch ER.

Revpharoah - I'm not kidding: everything that's broken in the last few months has either been totally random or has fallen onto carpet. Go figure.

Katie - If you drop things as much as I do, I wouldn't recommend working as a waitress. I tried it for several years. Great money, lots of disastrous spills!

Gary - Our heater broke in Jan., too. Isn't owning a home just the best sometimes?? Thanks for the great family picture - I could swear I've seen it somewhere before . . .

d -Looking forward to seeing you , and your suit of armor, tonight!