Friday, September 15, 2006

When Contentment Isn't Good

Our church has begun an in-depth study of the book of Joshua. A discussion during life group on Tuesday and some of the reading for next week brought out an interesting concept from the first chapter of the book that has really stayed with me.

The Bible teaches that contentment equals much greater gain than earthly possessions. Satisfaction in Christ is key in the Christian life. However, there is one thing I should never be satisfied with, and that is - ME.

I'm not talking about my looks or personality or gifts & abilities. I'm thinking more of my relationship with Christ. I should be in a continual process of refinement, pressing on to look more like my Savior until the day I enter eternal rest with Him. He Himself says, "Be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt. 5:48). Paul speaks of "pressing on toward the goal" in Philippians 3:14. To use his analogy, a good runner is not content to complete part of the race and then take a nap on the track. She stays focused on the finish line until she crosses it. Therefore I must spend the rest of my life in pursuit of this goal - becoming more like Christ, and storing up eternal rewards vs. earthly ones.

"Godliness with contentment is great gain" (I Tim. 6:6), but contentment with where I am spiritually quickly becomes complacency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN, Sister!!! lg