Monday, September 25, 2006

Wrighteous Living

This week has flown by. There's way too much to write about, so I'll just leave it at a few highlights, starting with last weekend.

Here's to . . .

. . . a wonderful evening with new friends. At 6:00 we were practically strangers, and 6 hours later it seemed like we'd known each other for years.

. . . Cubbies! Rachel is in her second year and absolutely loves it. Last week she brought home a work of art she called "fireworks": a blob of glue on a piece of black paper, covered with gold glitter.

. . . Applesauce. Applesauce. Applesauce. My goal is to freeze enough for our family for an entire year, since the kids won't eat anything but the stuff I make (I use Cortland apples, so it always turns out bright pink!). I'm about halfway there . . .

. . . dinner at El Camino with a good friend - a rare treat!

. . . scrapbook parties where very little scrapbooking actually takes place. :-)

. . . 2 strollers, 3 hours, 4 miles, 200 doorhangers, 1 church plant launching next Sunday!

. . . date nights with free babysitting! We had dinner at Applebee's while Jason & Jodi got puked on by Zekers.

. . . a fridge so full of leftovers from the previous week that I went 5 days without having to fix dinner. You can't beat that!

. . . having a 4-yr-old shopping buddy who has turned out to be a surprising conversationalist.

. . . discovering that Danny & I are never immune to "The Crazy Cycle" (see Love and Respect by Emerson Eggerichs) - a humbling realization.

. . . not taking one picture for over a week - the first time this has happened in about 5 years.


danny2 said...

best part of the crazy cycle...

making up!

Charity said...

Good question. I half expected the smoke alarm to go off when we arrived at the scrapbooking party, just from the smell of our clothes! :-)