Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Youngest No Longer

Kari Bou has about 7 months to adjust to the fact that although she will always be our third child, she will never again be our youngest child. As of October 11, 2007, we will be a family of six.

I write this with a strange mix of emotions. Yesterday we received a year-end letter from some friends in Columbus who just lost a baby at 17 weeks gestation - the third time this has happened to them in the past 2 1/2 years. I think of other close friends who have experienced miscarriages, the loss of a child, the inability to conceive. And I feel completely undeserving of this incredible gift God has lavished upon us. The thought that He's chosen to bless us in such a huge way four times is just unconscionable to me.

We couldn't be more excited or more grateful for the life of this unborn child, who right now pretty much looks like a little peanut with blobs for arms and legs. And the munchkins?

Rachel is excited but has no concept of the time involved. Yesterday she thought the baby was going to come out at the dr's office. She wants another sister, of course.

Zekers, in spite of limited understanding, seems to be happy about the idea, often stating loudly his request for a "brudder."

As for Kari Bou, she has no idea what's coming, and it's probably a good thing . . .


Jeremy Bear said...

Congratulations, D & C. It seems like only five years ago you had no kids at all and look! Too many!

From here on out, whenever anyone asks Carey and I why we're not on the baby train, we'll be glad to tell them that the Wrights are picking up our slack.

Great news. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

God's Word says that children are a blessing from the Lord and happy is the man whose quiver is full of them. You guys are GREAT parents. Thanks for doing your part in filling the grandparenting quiver! 7 under 5 1/2 this Christmas! How fun is that????


Anonymous said...

Hi Charity! I am so excited for you! Zach just told me that you were having another baby so i figured I should rush on over and see for myself! haha. So when did you find out and when are you due? Yay! I can't wait! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


lyndie said...

yay! another Grace baby!- heard just yesterday thru the grapevine... how did JON K. know before me?-i'm sure that's a unsolvable mystery. *L*
Congratulations! and may God grant you strength- I stand in awe. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations to you both! What wonderful news - I'm so happy for you!! Hope you're feeling good and doing ok, Charity.

It always makes life more exciting to have more than 1 (or 2??) in diapers at once! :) Just think how exciting the teenage years will be!

Rejoicing with you!

Anonymous said...

Charity! Congratulations...that is wonderful news! I hope you aren't feeling too yucky. So let's see, the next time we see you up here, we'll be on the beach with 8 kids (that's assuming WE don't further multiply)!! ;) Wow, what a picture! I'm so happy for you!

Charity said...

Lyndie - I'm still scratching my head over that one! LOL.

Katie - we found out about 3 weeks ago, but we wanted to wait to tell people until our parents knew and we found our how far along we are. (8 weeks today!)

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone! It sounds so strange to say we'll be parents of four - I used to think people like us were completely nuts! But we couldn't be more excited.

Anonymous said...

wow...3 pastor's wives pregnant and one with a grandchild on the way...

its the Grace baby boom!

Lauren Mott said...

charity, congratulations!
i've posted a new blog.

but it doesn't say that i'm pregnant.

because i'm not.


danny2 said...

i've told you...

this is the church growth strategy i can really get behind!

Charity said...

So THAT's what motivated the conception of this baby? Church growth strategy?? Wow - I guess the headache excuse doesn't stand a chance against such a noble objective. . .

Anonymous said...

More power to ya, Wrights! If anyone can do it, you guys can. You both are wonderful parents...a little nuts...but wonderful nonetheless. We are so thrilled for you guys. Looking forward to seeing you this summer!