One of our little Bou's favorites is reading from her book
Baby Faces. A couple of weeks ago, when I happened to mention something to a friend about being surprised, she looked at me, gasped and opened wide her mouth and her eyes. I started dying laughing when I realized she was trying to look surprised! It hit me that I had been inadvertently making the faces listed in her book as we looked through them each time. She now has a litany of facial expressions she can pull out when she feels like it; however, she doesn't always demonstrate these on command, so the other night at dinner, when she was in a particularly silly mood, I took the rare opportunity to get some snapshots to pass on.
In order, the faces are: 1.
surprised 2.
skeptical 3.
sad 4.
crying 5.
happy 6.
laughing(OK, #2 was supposed to be "concerned" but there's just no getting away from the obvious display of skepticism.)
I LOVE THOSE PICTURES! they are even funnier in person, though :) it's amazing how she just does those on demand.
does she obey just as quickly?
We're at the stage right now where she thinks disobedience is a game . .. ."Come here" actually means "turn and run away as fast as you can." And "No" is her new favorite word.
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