Friday, March 14, 2008

Frosty and Crazy Hair

The big snowfall from last weekend (which one news station dubbed "Blizzard '08" before the NWS declared that it met absolutely none of the criteria for a blizzard) turned out to be short-lived. So Tuesday, as the sun began to melt the mounds of white in our yard, Kari Bou, Zekers and I decided to seize the moment and make a snowman for the first (and hopefully last!) time this winter.

We were quite proud of our creation. The kiddos, of course, named him "Frosty"; Zekers insisted he needed a top hat but in the end settled for sunglasses. He lived a short but fulfilling life, and 24 hours later became a small heap of snow with a scarf, carrot, black olives and raisins lying beside it.

The 3 munchkins were heartbroken - even Rachel had gotten quite attached to Frosty in the 12 hours that she knew him. But their pain was somewhat soothed by "Crazy Hair Night" at AWANA. Rach has been looking forward to this night for a very long time. She still remembers that last year all we did was to brush her hair out into a 'fro. This year it took a bit more work. Zekers had decided to wear his clown wig, and when I tried to take their picture, Kari Bou was so sad at being left out that I agreed to let her wear Rach's old Cubbies vest and pose with them. Don't ask me what Rachel's face is all about.

I just can't let another post go by without more pictures of our little meat biscuit. He's eating cereal now like nobody's business and loving life. For the past 2 nights, he's slept until around 5:30, which has worked out great. I just get up and feed him and then get showered before the other kiddos wake up. Of course, three nights ago he woke up three different times, so there's no telling . . .

One last thing: Danny gets the award for "Most Dedicated Floor Cleaner", as he spent 4 hours scrubbing the linoleum in the kitchen, followed by another 4 hours scrubbing the dining room floor. The picture doesn't show it that well, but we have a textured floor, which tends to collect dirt in the little creases, and sad to say, it's been maybe a year or two since we've really scrubbed it. My favorite part was that he used a fingernail brush Karis received for Christmas! (Don't tell her)


Anonymous said...

The fingernail brush was RACHEL's...gee, I wonder how that happened? So glad the contribution to clean nails contributed to a clean floor instead.

Do you remember some of YOUR Omaha and Ashland snow creations? We had some cool ones!


Anonymous said...

I also meant to there is one dedicated man! Could it have anything to do witht he fact that somewhere they said this week that men who help clean around the house get more wifely rewards? Hmmm. mm

Chris said...

When I saw the picture of Danny cleaning I was "floored"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was online posting pics at my blog today, and read your comment with Rachel's greetings to Anna. She made me scroll through nearly 2 years of your blog to find the pic of her and Rachel at the CFS beach. It was amazing to literally see all the time that's gone by! Doesn't seem like that long ago. Little Malachi wasn't even a thought then. :) We are looking forward to seeing you guys again this summer!

brother_barabbas said...

4 HOURS??? and your kitchen is what, 5' x 8', either your man is dedicated or he was in a major doghouse!!

Anonymous said...

Danny that is a good example for all men to assist their wives.

shoemama said...

Ma, you always crack me up!
Charity, we know the pain of scrubbing those linoleum floors, yours looks great! maybe Danny could work on ours too? :-)

Charity said...

Yeah, maybe when we all have our girls' day out he and Kenneth and Anthony can all watch the kids and scrub the floors - sounds like a perfect plan! :-)

BB - if you think that's bad, you should have seen him clean the floors last time . . . with a toothbrush.