Sunday, September 07, 2008

From Bulldozer to Toe Truck

Last week was a full, but very good, week, with a few unexpected twists and turns. Wednesday morning we had our "Grace Moms" kickoff; It was really encouraging to see so many new faces - and so many from last year. One of our mentoring moms shared about how to make the most of our time - being more productive and keeping God our #1 priority in the midst of everyday craziness. I'm just praying that God will help me to apply some of it now. It's easy to smile and nod in agreement; not so easy to actually do what I know He's asking me to do.

Wednesday night we took the kiddos to an area church where they participate in the AWANA program. Kari Bou was especially excited to go to Cubbies for the first time. The evening began with a wiener roast for parents and kids, and was supposed to end with a time for registration, meeting the teachers, and buying books & vests. For us, it ended with a broken toe and 8 stitches.

Watchful parents that we are, Danny and I turned from talking with someone to see Karis in the midst of a "no-breathe" cry. She was sitting by one of the headstones in a small graveyard on the church's property - where the kids were not supposed to be (I'm guessing). I sprinted over to her and saw that her back was pretty scraped up; at the same time I noticed part of a headstone lying near her on the ground. "You're ok, sweetie, I reassured my little girl, who had definitely found her breath by this time, as I helped her to her feet.

As soon as she stood up, I noticed her blood-filled sandal and knew there was more to this than a few back abrasions. Upon removing her shoe, we saw that her big toe was sticking out at a bit of a funny angle, and her second toe had already turned purple. Apparently, instead of just doing the normal thing and playing soccer with the other kids, Zekers and Kari Bou decided to wander off and play "Push the Headstone Onto the Foot."

Fortunately, the AWANA commander works for the fire department and knew what to look for. He pretty much told us it looked like her big toe was broken, and the second toe, which was lacerated to the bone all the way across on the underneath, would need stitches.

Unfortunately, he showed me the bone in her toe a few too many times - pulling the skin back (it was still bleeding pretty badly) and examining the wound, which, of course, made her scream louder and bleed more. I handed her to Danny, put my head between my legs, and passed out. Not exactly one of the more dignified moments of my life. I remember begging, "Please, God, don't let me pass out - not now. Please . . . and then waking up with a bag of ice on my head and numerous people staring down at me. I guess He decided the humiliation would do me good. I found out later that both Rachel and Zekers thought I had died.

Anyway, we took her to Children's Hospital, while some good friends and Grandma Wright took care of the other kids (Poor Grandma - she had to give up her appointment for directory pictures). Our little Bou got her foot X-rayed. She kept saying, "smile, foot - smile for the camera!" She also received 3 stickers, of which she was very proud. When each new doctor or nurse asked what happened, she would nonchalantly reply: "Zekey pushed a headstone onto my foot."

The funny thing was, she cried about halfway to the hospital, but once she calmed down, she seemed to be having the time of her life. She talked and laughed and carried on at the hospital like I've rarely heard her around here. Then it hit me - for possibly the first time in her life, she had Mommy AND Daddy all to herself - not to mention the attention from numerous hospital staff - and she was loving it. She got 8 stitches, a couple of bandages, and a super-cool blue shoe to wear, to keep her from bending her toes when she walks.

She spent Thursday on the couch, and I spent half the day on the phone (on hold), trying to set up her follow-up appointment for next week. Now, she's walking and running around in her new shoe like nothing ever happened, and was even able to spend the night with Rachel and Grandma Miller on Friday. It was strange, but a lot of fun, just having the 2 boys for 24 hours. The pictures of her foot are from Saturday night, when I finally had the courage to bathe her and redo her bandaging.

So although the week took an unexpected turn, I find myself so grateful . . . grateful that she wasn't hurt any worse than she was . . . grateful for each one of our kiddos and their unique personalities . . . grateful that I have a husband who can keep his cool in intense situations (unlike his wife) . . . grateful for family and friends who are there to help out . . . and most of all, grateful for God's goodness. He gave His Son to suffer so much to take my sins and clothe me with His righteousness. Thank You, Jesus! Thank you for undeserved blessings.


Anonymous said...

Wow! She so reminds me of our Libby Rae.... I must admit, I got a little woozy when I saw the pix. Just seeing a little foot look so...purple. I don't blame you for passing out! What a crazy time. Hey, we miss you guys! You headed out this way anytime soon?

Anonymous said...

You FORGOT to mention how Grandma had to carry her around all day because she was afraid to walk on it!!!

Hey, you need to post photos of the cake you made for Danny's grandma! You need to go into business!!! Cake making business! mm

Kati said...

Gee Charity, thanks for the pictures! I was about to pass out right here at my computer!! (just kidding! hehehe)

Margaret said...

i wholeheartedly sympathize with you! everyone here knows by now that i can't do the mommy thing when my kids are hurt. i completely understand your humiliation...been there, done that! the first time was when nicole was 8 or 9 and ran her bike into the back of a parked vehicle going full speed. she came in with blood all over her face and her skull bone showing on her forehead. i was able to drive her to the dr, but while she was on the table getting stitches, i laid out on the floor. the 2nd time was with brooke in the recovery room after getting her wisdom teeth out- i just passed out cold! what a mom! :)so, from here on out i don't do the medical stuff!

Charity said...

OK, I feel a little better, knowing I'm not alone in the passing out thing. :) It's funny how much blood you can see on TV without flinching, but when it's your own kids . . . it's a different story!

JanAl said...

I'm very thankful all is well, and that Danny didn't have 2 to rush to the hospital! I was thinking the title should be " From bulldozer to toe struck" , sorry, I have a dumb sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

How awful, Charity! I was feeling the sympathy until you described waking up with ice on your head...and your kids thinking you were dead! I couldn't help but start to giggle a tiny bit....sorry! I've only passed out once in my life and I woke up to my brother screaming b/c he thought I was dead! (I remember being somewhat touched that he cared that much) Life is never dull, is it? I've found myself saying alot lately...."Can't we do anything and have it be easy?" ;) I so glad that Karis wasn't hurt any worse! And what an interesting story she'll have to tell.

Jessi said...

Charity, to be honest, i could have done without the pictures! (i'm being lighthearted) HA! boy, i get weaker the older i get! I almost had to walk away that night, when i saw her big toe in an inverted position :(
poor, BOU, it sounds like she;s healing well!

Anonymous said...

She has been a brave little girl. I don't know how I'd have handled it...I never had to go through anything just like that. The closest was when Hannah at 3 fell out of the top bunk, onto the play table, and cut her eye lid. I remember the panic and the agony of the stitches but that's all.

Anonymous said...

you have me groaning and laughing at the same time, charity! i love your story-telling.

i've never passed out, but i have come close - AFTER the doctor finished stitching ty's chin when he was 18 months old while i held him still for what seemed like an eternity. the doc pulled me over to a chair and i, too, prayed i wouldn't pass out. God must love me more :p

by the way, when i finally got to pick ty up and hold him, he hit me.

Chris said...

It sure didn't seem to slow her down yesterday at our least until the very end when she went to sleep in the chair.

Your blog NAILED it...she is a TOE-tally awsome kid. You can't D-FEET her spirit.

Charity said...

Interestingly, the thing that finally got her to stop crying on the way to Children's was when I sang like Larry the cucumber and Bob the TOE-mato.

Jodi Bradshaw said...

You better be careful - Karis may TRY and get hurt so that she can just have you and Danny all to herself again. :)

So thankful that she is doing okay and her injuries were not worse!!!!!

shoemama said...

Hey, now she can wear the unbroken crock on her good foot!

Charity said...

Haha - too bad we ripped the strap off the other one so they would "match"! :p