Thursday, October 02, 2008

Life is a Battlefield

. . . be strong in the Lord, and in His mighty power . . . For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:10, 12

Incident #1: Yesterday morning we had our second mom's group meeting of the school year. My friend Susan shared a much-needed challenge on the topic of "honoring our husbands"; what godly submission is and isn't. We had a really good, although not nearly long enough, small group discussion following her challenge, and afterward my small group leader encouraged a couple of us not to forget that we do battle daily - spiritual battle.

Incident #2: While doing my "homework" this weekend for a mid-week Bible study I'm privileged to be a part of, I read a few small paragraphs that have had my brain working overtime all week (it doesn't take much!).

We've been going through Jesus, the One and Only by Beth Moore. Her main point in this lesson, taken from Luke 4 where Jesus heals Simon's mother-in-law, was that threatening situations in our homes (unresolved conflict, unfaithfulness, compromising media communication, pornography, etc.) directly influence Christ's heightened activity in our lives. She then asked us the question: "Do you have a sense of Christ's activity in your home? If so, what set of circumstances led to the invitation for Him to come?"

I thought long and hard about this. Several different "threatening circumstances" over the past 3 years came to mind, and I recalled, with gratitude, that these times did in fact cause my relationship with Christ to deepen. I did sense His activity in our home - in Danny's life and mine. The fact is, God does use hard times to drive us to our knees, to lovingly remind us of our need for His grace.

But here's the thing. When I thought back over the past 10 years to recall the time I felt THE closest to my Savior, the time I've felt His activity in my home more than any other, I made the startling realization that the answer is: right now! What?!

That doesn't make any sense. We've gone through plenty of tough stuff in the past, but at the present moment we're not in crisis mode. I have no doubt that in the future we will experience threatening times which will cause us to cling even more closely to Christ. But for now, life is just sort of . . . moving along. So why would I feel closer to Christ now?

And then it hit me: For the past three weeks, by an absolute miracle of God's grace, I've been rising about an hour earlier than usual in order to make the time to meet with God each morning before the demands of the day sap my time and energy. And it has made all the difference! By finally - for the first time in years - throwing my excuses to the curb, and consistently spending time in God's Word and earnest prayer, I feel closer to my God that I ever have. I sense His activity in our home because I am looking for it.

And that brings me back to the battle. It's easy to recognize the "big" battles - the threatening circumstances or the major conflicts in our homes. But I firmly believe that the most important battles are fought on a daily, hourly, even minute-ly basis - when we don't even realize we're fighting a battle. The few seconds in which I decide to bite my tongue or unleash a string of poisonous words. The moment when I'm torn between ignoring something I just witnessed one of my children do, or taking the time to deal with it. The split second when I have to decide between hitting the snooze button and dragging myself out of bed to spend time with God. The times when I have to make a conscious decision to drown in self-pity or to live in thankfulness. The many, many moments when I waver between honoring my husband and demeaning him. These "harmless" little moments carry immense spiritual significance. Because in these moments, a battle is being fought.

I feel like most days I experience a lot more defeat in these areas than victory. But I'm clinging to the hope that consistently sitting at the feet of my Savior and leaning on HIS grace, I'll be able to look back and see baby steps of progress. But I Corinthians 10 warns, "So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!" As long as we draw breath, the battle rages on.

The Psalms are filled with references to the dailyness of a good relationship with God. Even on a human level, is there any such thing as a good friendship where one party only seeks the other out in times of crisis? Difficult times can help to draw two people closer, but there has to be consistent communication between those times, in order for the friendship to flourish. A significant part of the battle is fought in quiet time with God. "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." (Isaiah 30:15)

So . . . what set of circumstances led me to invite Christ into my home? He's been present in my home ever since I gave my life to Him. And the extent to which I sense His presence? "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deuteronomy 4:29)

And it's only by His amazing Grace that we are even able to look for Him! I'm grateful for Bible studies that force me to dig and think. And I'm grateful that the God of the universe makes Himself accessible to people as undeserving as us. Oh God, give us strength to fight the good fight!


danny2 said...

and I'm grateful for a wife who supports/convicts/challenges/partners in studying the Word with me!

Without Christ, we would find ourselves battling one another, through Christ, we join the battle together!

love you!

Kati said...

Oh my word, Charity, you are so right on. We must nurture our relationship with Christ during the normal, uneventful moments of life to prepare for the "battles", big and small.

The Lord brought that passage from Ephesians to my mind right around an hour before I read your post. I just thinks it's cool when He does stuff like that--reaffirming that we're all in this together and we aren't meant to have to do this alone.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Charity! What an encouragement this post was to me today. We have been in crisis mode for about a month now (as my glaringly silent blog attests). Pray for us if you think of it.

Charity said...

d2 - i love you too! ;)

kati - that is SO COOl! i too am so grateful we aren't in this alone. i would be in big trouble . . .

tarah - i wondered about the blog silence. :) I will certainly be praying for you and your family . . . and expect an email!

Charity said...

Tarah, OK, something is wrong with my email - it's been refusing to send anything for the past 3 days. But when I figure out what's wrong I'll be in touch. :)

Margaret said...

I've never been as much in the Word as I have been for the last couple months and today I am really struggling. Why? Do I feel Christ here? You betcha! But I also have an overwhelming sense of stuggling with "the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil...". In fact, I almost didn't go to the study this morning, that's how distressed I feel! I know that Satan is exerting even more pressure than normal on me and it's times like this we need prayer from every direction. It's weird how I can feel the closest to my LORD and yet feel the battle so intensely! Please pray...

Charity said...

margaret, i would guess that it's because you're so close to the LORD and so immersed in His Word that you're feeling the battle so intensely!! i had no idea . . . thanks for being honest about your struggle. i will be praying for you today.

With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

Anonymous said...

Charity, it's OK since I wouldn't have gotten your e-mail anyhow! My home computer is still down and I can only use my hotmail address since Matt is gone with the laptop on a trip. That address is I can access it with Johnny's school laptop.

I am headed to the blog to post some sort of update.

Anonymous said...

well said and well explained, charity. i, too, was recently studying Eph. 6 (and marveling at the fact that the OT passage i was studying at the same time used similar imagery - Isaiah 59, specifically verse 17). when i really began thinking about what all the "body armor" represented, i saw (yet again) how woefully short i fall in using it effectively. in fact, i am way faster at whipping out the sword of dee's tongue than the sword of the Spirit.

anyway, your words were a strong encouragement to me today. thanks.

and thank you, God. i know it was all You.

JanAl said...

And just when we feel we have overcome one, a new one appears, or comes back. I am in total agreement with you, about waking up early, and giving God those first momments, what an amazing difference it has made for me recently. It shows me how God is always there, and how my being in communication and fellowship with Him is important to my "relationship", with Him.
I loved your insight this morning about obstacles in our path (man thru ceiling ) Thankful you are my sister in Christ.

Anonymous said...

You talked about the faithfulness in little things making a huge difference. That is so true - he who is faithful in little will be faithful in much. May you fine greater favor in all of life's areas as you grow in this sort of faithfulness, my daughter. I 'wish' I had been as faithful & wise & sensitive to our Lord as you are when I was your age. So it is never too late, eh?

Golden Buckeye Mom & believing God for greater things...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I posted another update on the endoscopy. (and also a link to Lisa's wedding pics)

shoemama said...

Maybe you should co-pastor with your husband at church?? Or at least be a motivational speaker as a part time job!
I lose the battle with biting my tongue most of the time and usually say whatever is on my mind (no inner monologue)- but you're right, that is a battle! Hopefully I will conquer it someday

Charity said...

that's why i often prefer writing to talking - at least the computer has a "delete" button!