Sunday, August 09, 2009

Post #300

We've all heard something to this effect when we were first married: "The number of times you have sex from your third year of marriage on, will never equal the number of times you have sex during the first 2 years." Or, as I was told: "If, during your first 2 years of marriage, you deposit a quarter into a jar each time you have sex, and every year after that you remove a quarter each time you have sex, you'll never empty the jar."

While I don't think marriage has to be this way, I do think blogging tends to be. If I blog for the rest of my life at my current rate, I'll be at least 90 before I have another 300 under my belt. (as opposed to the first 2 years, when I posted about every other day!)

This week, however, I am determined to return to the days of old and put up several updates. I have WAY too many pictures and stories from the last month to post them all, but I am resolved to post at least 2 more times before next Sunday. But I've spent so much time today already uploading pics from my camera, and getting rid of all the red-eye (At what age do kids stop getting red eyes in pictures??); not to mention deleting 4 months' worth of emails . . . that I think I will come back to this another day. I thought technology was supposed to SAVE time!


JanAl said...

I am not sure I agree with the person who made the first statement, maybe it is different for each marriage. At least not in our marriage, maybe because the first two years we wasted fighting, and now our relationship is on a deeper spiritual level (two became one,and we understand this more and more with each passing year). Also, we are beginning to now get an understanding of the purpose of marriage, and we are seeking to love each other in a sacrificial way, that would bring Glory to God.

Ok, I know this is not what your post is about, but when I read that, I could not help to think that was not true in our situation.
And I can see how blogging can slowly fade out. Before I started blogging, I use to make fun of it, but now I like it, and it has allowed some of my family to stay in touch with our family, the only bad part is when the phone rings, and I hear, "I was reading your blog, and ..........."
Sometimes, I get a little over whelmed when I share personal things from childhood, knowing that both sides are going to read it, and I am not sure how they are going to respond, but then I remind myself, that my history, is His-story.

Also, blogging is a great way to journal what daily life is and was.
I think my children will love reading over these posts when they are older.

JanAl said...

lol, my comment is longer than your post! lollololol

Rod and Sara said...

Hey Charity-
Congrats on #300!
I must say that the age (or quality) of your camera could be causing more red eye than the age of your children.

Charity said...

I know, I know - I have a cheap camera! It just seems like when I photograph my kids with other peoples' kids, mine are the ones with the redeye. I guess I shouldn't complain; at least I have a way to get rid of it.

Charity said...

Janal, our first couple of years were our most difficult, as well. By God's grace, we've had our ups and downs, but overall it has continued to get better since then!

Kati said...

I have wondered too, how long this blogging trend will last. It seems okay now, but somehow I doubt we'll all still be doing it 20 years from now.

Thank goodness, ~ahem~ 'marital intimacy' will never go out of style. :)