Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Shark Rays and Sun Rays!

As scary as the roads were yesterday, the thought of being cooped up in the house for one more day was even scarier. So, the kiddos and I stuck with our plan to visit Newport Aquarium. We left the house at 7:30, cereal bars and bananas in hand, and made our way down 49, which ended up being a little slick, but not as bad as I'd thought. The crazy thing was the fog. It was so dense, we couldn't see anything to either side of us, and could barely make out the car just ahead. We'd been driving for about 40 minutes, when suddenly, the sun came out, the fog cleared and even the road seemed much drier - all within about 15 seconds. I noticed at the same time that we were just passing the sign that announced the end of Darke County. No joke! The farther south we drove, the more it seemed like a different world than the one we'd just left.

Due to having to drive more slowly, and to some morning traffic on I-75, we arrived about 9:30 and soon after, met up with my sister Sarah and her little girl, Addie, who will be 3 in May. During the months of Jan - Feb, 2 kids get in free ($30 savings) with each adult admission ($22). So I got 2 in free, and Sarah got Addie and one of mine in free. I debated about whether to mess with taking Malachi, but finally decided to take all four and just pay the extra child's admission. It was totally worth it. I have rarely heard him squeal the way he did when I helped him "pet" the "baby sharks". The only bummer was that my mom and sister Hannah weren't able to go this year. I was a bit hesitant to take all four kiddos that far without Grandma there to help out, but they did beautifully. (Except for one head-butt and one running-off episode!)

Well, there was one other bummer. I'd packed lunch for all of us - including a variety of snacks - which spent the day in the fridge without us. I was almost sick to my stomach when I ended up paying a little over $20 for 4 plain hot dogs and 4 small bags of chips - ugh. It was the cheapest option. We're definitely packing lunches (and remembering to take them!) from now on. The weirdest thing was not having ANY snack food for the kiddos - I ALWAYS have snacks handy - it's a matter of survival. But they did just fine - until we were about 30 minutes from home.

Now for the pictures . ..

"Lulu" the penguin came out and got a big hug from Mr. Moo!

They all loved the march of the penguins - seeing and hearing about 3 African penguins named Simon, Paula and Randy. I found out they're changing Paula's name to Kara and adding an Ellen.

There was an AMAZING jellyfish display. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any pictures that did them justice. One new feature in the room was a blue screen with digital "jellyfish" swimming around. When the kids tried to touch them, they disappeared. The screen looks white in the picture, but was a really vivid underwater scene.

Zekers and Karis loved getting to touch horseshoe crabs and starfish.

The best picture I got of the 5 kiddos - whew!

The "Frog Bog" was a fun play area. It even had a version of "Frogger" that you could play by moving your feet over squares on the ground.

Waiting for sharks to swim by . . .

Rachel had great technique. She used 2 fingers, as instructed, and didn't stick her fingers in the water until the shark was directly beneath her. I had to hold Malachi up and stick his hand in the water for him to feel the sharks, so I didn't get any pics of him, but man, did he go crazy. He LOVED the shark tank!

What he did NOT love were the parts of the aquarium where you could look down at sea creatures through large squares of glass in the floor. He refused to walk on them, and it took some persuading to even get him to even touch them. I think he never really believed it was truly a floor, and was convinced he'd end up in the water!

Check out the teeth on this bad boy!

OK, the next several pictures are all "shark rays", a stingray / shark mix. I never would have imagined you could breed those 2 together. These guys are just COOL.

Outside on the plaza - pretty view, but too cold to stay for very long.

We were home by 3:45, and went directly to Wal-Mart for groceries, along with at least half the population of Greenville. What a day!


Kati said...

Wow, girl! You are the bravest mom I know! I would never even consider attempting that trip without either husband or grandma along!

Unknown said...

Me either, Kati! Thanks so much for sharing with us, Charity! I don't think we're going to make it this winter to see it, so I'm glad you shared! :)

Anonymous said...

You got some great pics of the aquatic life. Mine didn't turn out so well. There are some good pics of the kids, though on my facebook album if you want to get one of those for your files.

We had a good time with you all. Addie woke up the next morning with a fever. Hope your kids aren't sick.


Charity said...

Oh, poor Addie! Our kids seem to be doing fine . . . and by fine, I mean "bouncing off the walls."

We had fun, too! I'm glad it worked out for us all to go. The kids were talking about it all evening!

Margaret said...

taking all four kiddos alone isn't the part that's freaking me out...it's the weather that would have been the big deal. :) Looks like you had a great time!