Thursday, February 16, 2006

Meltdowns and Blowouts

These 2 stories are just too funny NOT to tell . . .

Our 3-year-old, Rachel, can be something of a "mother hen" to our 5-month-old, Karis. In her enthusiasm to help, she often ends up nearly smothering her poor little sister, who has really been a good sport about the whole thing. Until Saturday night.

Rach, Zeke (1 1/2), Kari & I sat on the couch watching the edge-of-your-seat thriller, "Dora Dances to the Rescue." Rach, as usual, hair fully bushed out, was right up in Kari's face doing her Arial impression (if you haven't heard it, you're seriously missing out). Kari finally decided she'd had enough. As soon as Rachel backed off a little, she leaned forward slightly, spitting up directly into her big sister's lap and all over her hands, as though she had specially targeted those areas.

Now, Rachel has BIG issues with 3 things: color, (she has been known to completely melt down over having to wear a pair of socks that don't match her nightgown), smell (she also regularly cries over the scent of public restrooms), and mess on her hands. She instantly went into hysterics. Since convulsive laughter rendered Mommy completely helpless, Daddy finally came to the rescue with some wipes and a clean nightgown. *sigh of relief*

The second situation took place around lunch today. Again, trying to be helpful, Rach volunteered to check Zeke's pants because, of course, she was gagging from the stench and insisted that I change him immediately. Since I was feeding Kari, I agreed to let her check, thinking, "What could it hurt?"

Next thing I know, she's spazzing out, crying and waving poop-covered fingers in my face. Apparently, she had been right about his need for a change. We must have made a sorry sight: Kari sitting there, cereal all over her face; Rach dancing around the room, yelling and crying; Zeke standing there, saying, "Mommy, I pooped." And me? Once again immobilized by laughter. We had to wash Rachel's hands three times to appease her.

Sometimes the entertainment almost makes up for the stress!


lyndie said...

HYSTERICAL! *LOL* i hope i have funny kids (i think).

Lauren Mott said...

oh my gosh. my roommates are yelling at me telling me to quit laughing so hard, be quiet and go to bed!! but i can't, because that was the funniest thing i've heard in the past decade.
charity, you're a pastor's there anything in the Bible about coveting your neighbor's daughter? because if not, I COVET YOUR'S....i love her to pieces and i can't WAIT to see her artwork in the mail or her adorable face on my front porch :) :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you can see the humor in these situations rather than getting uptight. That's what makes you such a good mommie.

And the smell thing? She gets it from me. The color thing? From you. I remember how you had to have your belts tied so thight that if they did not cut off your circulation you'd go into a Rachel type fit. AND when looking back at your pictures you ask "Why did you let me wear my hair like that?" Well, now that you've tasted Rach's meltdowns, you can see that that was not a battle to fight, my dear one! You did your own hair AND your sisters'.

Anonymous said...

It is a known fact.....One of the Wright children ALWAYS has a poopy diaper!!!!! I think they go at least once an hour. Must be all thatToferky.


shoemama said...

Rachel is so funny! I just have to laugh because I could see you doing that stuff when you were little. Not that I know, I was only 1 when you were 3, but I can imagine :-) I bet she won't check another of Zeke's diapers, that's something we all generally try to stay away from. :-)

marissa finch said...

at least kari or zeke didn't poop ON her....maybe its time to tell rach about when she poopied on marissa!

Charity said...

Lauren - I could arrange for Rachel's adorable face to show up on your front porch . . . for several weeks, if you want! I'm totally kidding, of course, although the thought of someone else dealing with all her spaz attacks is very appealing.

Marissa - I did tell Rachel the other day about how she pooped all over you. One thing a 3-yr-old lacks is an ability to empathize, so she just looked at me like, "I can't even believe you're comparing me pooping on someone else, to someone else pooping on me."

jason said...

Ahhh... the Wright household... the only place in America where you might find Grudem's Systematic Theology with a baby wipe as a book mark. What an interesting life you guys lead, I'm looking forward to hearing some good SnowBash stories.