Thursday, June 29, 2006


I am happy to report that Karis has started walking!! She stood up by herself at a friend's house on Sunday, and the last 2 days has taken steps all on her own. We have yet to exceed five in a row, but hey - it's a start. Her attempts obviously left her feeling pretty worn out. . .

In other news, Zekers' potty training has been postponed until a more opportune time (simply put, it was a disaster).

Rachel continues to expand her vocabulary, as demonstrated by a comment she dropped this morning at breakfast: "Mommy, I'm going to take off my jammies now. I assume I got milk all over them." Judging by her personal history, I assumed her statement was probably correct.


Anonymous said...

She is walking as a matter of is a way to get away from Z and R quicker.


Charity said...

No question about that . . . every time Rach starts cooing, "Come here, Karis," she gets this terrified look on her face and goes in the opposite direction!

~~anna~~ said...

I *assume* that you are enjoying yourself tremendously.....what a joy to read your postings!

marissa finch said...

i think she runs away for fear of rach's ariel impersonation!