Monday, June 26, 2006

Rainy Days & Mondays

This post is neither humorous nor entertaining. It is not cute or funny. But today it is my reality.

Today my own weaknesses and shortcomings have repeatedly smacked me in the face. It's been one of those days that make you want to throw in the towel, to finally admit defeat - on so many levels.

This parenting thing isn't easy; in fact, it's the most difficult challenge I've ever faced. I feel spent, used up, exhausted. It's like when I'm making applesauce - I'm the dried out pulp that's left in the strainer after all the good stuff has been pounded out. I've become this mechanical thing that goes through it's programmed motions: keep them fed and watered, do the laundry, pick up toys, clean Zeke's poop out of the bathtub, take another crayon out of Kari's mouth, wipe the chalk drawings off the sides of the car, do the bedtime routine, try not to scream at the constant stream of whining/crying that never ever ends. Take a few precious moments to vent before falling into bed, gearing up for the whole cycle to start back up tomorrow.

At the present moment, I feel very certain that I cannot do this.

But tonight, just before we turn off the lights, we will go into their rooms to check on them. In their sleep they will look so peaceful, so vulnerable, so angelic, and as I lean down to kiss each soft cheek and hear a sleepy "I love you too, Mommy," I will fall in love with them all over again.

Days like these are hard, but necessary. They show me once again, how desperately I need my Savior. How in my weakness, He is strong. He took the punishment for every one of my sins, having never sinned Himself, so I can be close to Him and spend eternity with Him. And there lies my strength - not in myself (I'd be dead meat!) but in Him. The one who defeated death itself. Days like these force me to fling myself once again at the foot of His cross and beg Him for both grace and mercy.

Thank you, Jesus, for bad days.


Anonymous said...

Believe it or not these days are all too short. I can't tell you how much I miss being a mom. They really were some of my best days. Even though the Lord knows I could have done it better- it was the most rewarding thing I have ever done. But, I must admit I had days like you are having too.
Here is the kicker, God also gave you a Grandmoo who would love to come pick them up and give you a break whenever you need one. I love you and them very much. I don't know how you do it. I only had ONE little Danny running around. You have THREE!!!!!! Well, actually four it you count the original.

Anonymous said...

Dear Charity,
How I have enjoyed reading your blogs! Sherrie, Lorrie and Wendie were all here this weekend and we had all read your previous blogs and were talking about how fun they are to read and how we enjoyed the pics of your kids. It started a WHOLE hour of "Miller Highlights" during your Omaha years! Thanks for the memories!
Love, Marge Kirkpatrick - a former stay-at-home mom

~~anna~~ said...

How well I remember those days...and I only had two....and they were almost 7 years apart.
I remember during that time we were living in a mobile home park next to Grace College and Seminary. I had a friend, Faye, who lived next door. I can remember picking up the phone and hearing her say "Calgon, take me away!" That was our 'code phrase' for "My kids are driving me crazy. HELP!"
Both of our husbands were attending Grace, neither of us had any spare funds, but if we had the chance, we would buy each other Calgon and International Coffee's Irish Mocha Mint.
There were days I thought I couldn't take another day, but today my oldest turned 31! I'm relatively sane.
But even here with my three grandkids, after an exasperating day, I go into their rooms after they are all asleep and wonder what it was they did that upset me so much during the day!
Maybe the LORD gives us the beauty of their sleeping faces, to help us carry on.

Anonymous said...

How old do I feel now? Not only am I the Mom of 2 teenagers (which ages you faster than you can imagine), but here I am, a former babysitter of you and your sisters when you were but young ones yourselves, and I am reading about you BEING A MOM!!!! I think a whole patch of gray just popped up on my head! Seriously though, I have thouroughly enjoyed reading about you and your family. May God bless you especially on Rainy Days and Mondays! :)
Jennie (Kirkpatrick) McComsey

Charity said...

Thanks, everyone for your encouraging comments! I'm ok now; just a really long week. :-)

Marge & Jennie, it's great to hear from you! I'd love to see pix of your kids/grandkids, too. I know what you mean, Jennie (sort of). The kids I babysat for are now in college. It will be really wierd when they start getting married and having their own kids. yikes.

Anonymous said...

Email me at and I will happily send you pics of my kids!