Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Meaning of Family

I just had to share this with whoever in the blogosphere cares to read it, because it's too funny to keep to myself.

Rachel has been using the potty for nearly 2 years. She does everything herself, including washing/drying her hands and flushing. But the one thing we're still working on is getting her to do her own "paperwork" after doing her business. She's finally gotten to the point where she will wipe herself after a "baby poopie" so I started thinking the end is in sight. Until this afternoon.

I came upstairs from doing some laundry, and heard Rach yelling for me from the bathroom. She was sitting on the toilet, asking me to wipe her. "Sweetie," I said calmly, "You know how to do that yourself now."

She looked up at me in frustration. "Mom, you know I can wipe myself after a baby poopie, but look - there's a whole family in there!"


Anonymous said...

If that's her idea of a family, you have some teachable moments ahead!!!

Also, she has a mommy who, when observing her own mother praying silently, told everyone that she(Charity) could pray inside her cheek and her nose.

Like Mommy, like daughter!!!


~~anna~~ said...

Just don't buy her a doll house!
I like ~d's idea of allowing her more tp. Bob just said to tell her she's using it to *cloth the family*

Thanks for the chuckle...more like a belly laugh actually...so glad I had already swallowed my coffee.

Charis & Judah's Mom said...

I LIVE for the day my kids will say brilliant stuff like this! It's genius, really...

Anonymous said...

Charity, I can't find an e-mail address for you. Ours is hoffland@newnorth.net. E-mail me, and I can reply with a link to the preschool books. Or...I can put it in here! :)