Sunday, August 20, 2006

Murphy's Law at its Finest

Why is it that when you're in a hurry, you encounter nothing but red traffic lights; and when you desperately need a red traffic light, every last one of them is green??

I was just out running some errands with the kids when Karis let out 2 sneezes in a row. I glanced back at her and saw that she had hard core snot shooting out of BOTH nostrils (I know that sounds disgusting, but there's really no other way to say it). Naturally, I was dying to bring the car to a screeching halt and immediately clean her up, but do you think that the entire way from our house to Walmart we encountered even ONE red light? Normally, I spend at least five minutes sitting at the stinkin' things, but not today! I finally pulled into the YMCA parking lot, but by that time, of course, she had effectively covered her entire face with slime, and even slicked some into her "hair".

We got it all cleaned up, of course, but I'm still bitter about the lights.


Anonymous said...

You know how much I love the kids BUT snot and boogers completely gross me out. I am as sure as I can be that your eyes were mistaken. That was not snot on her was slobber that had blown up towards her nose because you had the windows open!!!! Now I feel better. Humor me, please.


danny2 said...

sounds like you got yourself into a sticky situation!

nobody "nose" the trouble you've seen.

sorry about the puns...

"gotta run!"

Anonymous said...

Gotta "blow" this joint.....

sorry it's snot funny

~~anna~~ said...

ahh..another fun memory to file away for the future....

any pix?

Charity said...

And I thought I had issues . . . .