Saturday, January 06, 2007


My darling little boy said something to me tonight that no one has ever said to me before.

As we put Rach and Zekers to bed, they both begged me to rub their backs and sing to them - something I do about every third night. I sang to Rachel first: "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" and "Beauty and the Beast." Then it was Zekers' turn. I sang "Your Froggy Friend" (a song I conjured up one night when he kept asking for a frog song and I couldn't think of one). Then we sang together "Mary had a Little Lamb."

I kid you not, these were the staccato words that greeted my motherly ears as soon as I finished the last word of the song: "Now get out of my bed."

I think it was the word "now" that caught me most off-guard. Like he was saying "You've served your purpose; now get out!" A more "adult" expression (which I won't put down on my G-rated blog!) of this sentiment comes to mind.

I always knew this kind of thing happens when boys come to a certain age - an age where they no longer crawl up onto their mother's lap for snuggles and never want to be kissed. But at the tender age of 2?! This is the little boy who used to put his hands on either side of my face, say "I love you, Mommy," and give me not just one kiss, but TWO, and a big hug.

My heart has been pierced by a thousand arrows, and my loving husband, who overheard the whole exchange, just sits there and laughs hysterically. We'll see how he feels when Kari Bou says it to him someday. . .


Anonymous said...

just for the record, i never crawl into her crib.

Charity said...

not when she's in it, anyway.