Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ahhhhhhhh . . . .

I've just had the most wonderful day. . .

This morning started off with playgroup at our house - the first of many (I hope!). I wasn't quite sure what to expect, what with several inches of freshly-fallen snow on the ground and school closed for the 3rd day in a row. But we ended up having 6 moms and 11 children in spite of (maybe because of) the weather. I think we were all feeling a bit cooped up. The time spent with other moms, for me, was like wrapping chilled hands around a steaming cup of coffee (which a few of us literally did!). I thouroughly enjoyed the entire morning, including the fact that all the munchkins played so well together. At one point, there were at least 8 little ones sitting at our dining room table quietly eating their snack. Imagine! Of course, the quiet lasted for about 1.5 minutes, but it's so great knowing your kids are having fun.

This afternoon Zekers got a haircut. Danny was nice enough to meet with someone at our house, instead of at the church, so Karis could nap while I took the other 2 to the salon. Our little guy's hair has become quite the bush lately, and was long overdue for a shearing. Still, it's always a little sad for me to see his curls cut off. But he sat so still and acted like such a little man and was so darn cute afterward! He was a little anxious about the whole process at first, and wanted me to hold him, but I asked him if it would be ok for me to just hold his hand, and he agreed. So we sat there the whole time, holding hands. It is just the coolest thing in the world when your child looks at you with this total trust - all is right with the world now that you're holding my hand, Mommy - and adoration. I can't somehow put it into words.

Later in the afternoon Rach, Zekers and I played in the snow. I pulled them on the sled, they made snow angels and left footprints on every square inch of the yard, and we rediscovered the joy of sucking on icicles (until Rachel pulled one off the dumpster). They even took a "trip" down the sidewalk to the end of the block, "spent the night in a hotel" and then headed back. As they stumbled around and laughed gleefully and threw snow I couldn't help laughing, too, because they were just these short little people who think they're so grown up. And I know that all too soon they will be.

Rachel said to me afterward, "Mom, I'm not the same Rachel. I'm a new Rachel." When I asked her what was different about her, she replied, "It's like the old Rachel was flushed down the toilet and died and now a new Rachel is here." Not an atypical conversation to have when you're around Rach.

We came inside and drank hot chocolate - they got to put in their own marshmallows, which was a real highlight. We had dinner and watched "God Made Families" all snuggled up on the couch, a Wednesday night tradition. Rachel even got to join us since Cubbies was cancelled tonight.

And since Rach & Zekers haven't had a nap in a few days, but have had a lot of late nights and very early mornings, they were ready for bed at 7:30 - unheard of! - and I actually have time to post before watching the first Lost that's aired since November. Really, do days come any better than this??


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great day! I can't imagine having my house clean enough to host a playgroup! Did you guys enjoy Lost? We watched it too. :)

Anonymous said...

i thought about posting my experiences during my shopping/lunch date with ty yesterday, but he would only be more mad at me than he was during the so-called date. it was quite the opposite of your day. no holding hands, no trusting or adoring looks. lots of sarcasm. i wonder how long this phase will last.

Charity said...

tarah - the only bummer was enduring a whole hour of recap and having to stay up until 11 to watch the new episode, but it was well worth it!

~d - oh, don't tell me this phase will someday go away . . .! I just know Zekers will want to hold my hand even when he's 25, right?? And he'll still want me to sing to him at night and rub his back! OK, maybe I'm raising a mamma's boy.