Tuesday, June 24, 2008

And it was Good

Malachi has had quite the eventful week. Several days ago, he received his first "shiner" when he pulled a metal chair down on himself. He has also discovered that he can make a lovely mess by taking a mouthful of veggies (preferably green), and blowing them forcefully back out. Yesterday, I took him out of his high chair and began doing dishes. A few minutes later, I turned to see Kari Bou feeding him her chocolate cake. I guess that's the difference between the 1st child and the 4th for me: If Rachel had eaten chocolate cake as a baby, or anything with - gasp! - sugar in it, for that matter, I would have blown a gasket instead of laughing and grabbing the camera. Good times . . .

The most marvelous thing happened tonight while I was taking out the trash. As I made my way gingerly across the driveway (no shoes, of course!), I happened to glance up at the night sky and stopped short. I can't think how to describe it except to say that it was alive with stars. They all seemed to be doing this huge silent dance together, in honor of the One who crafted them and set them in the heavens.

I suddenly felt very small and insignificant, staring up at all that greatness. And I wished that I could go on standing there, small and insignificant and gazing up at the star-studded sky, for a very long time. Somehow God seems closer, and I find my thoughts turning more toward him, while standing in awe of his creation.

"And God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light."


Anonymous said...

Very appropriate title...on BOTH counts! mm

Chris said...

Have a good vacation!
I bet Malachi will be walking by the time you get home. He sure does "take the cake" but the picture of him was kinda crumby.