Sunday, December 28, 2008

And All That Jazz

I'm not even going to attempt to write about everything that's transpired during the past couple of weeks. It's been a whirlwind - a good one! I enjoyed getting ready for Christmas, I enjoyed celebrating Christmas, and I am now enjoying being done with Christmas. Here are a few "highlight" photos:

One evening last week, I had just gotten the girls out of the tub and into their jammies, when I walked back into the bathroom to find THIS. It's never been any secret that Malachi loves a good hot bath, but I had no idea how much until now! I also learned that spiderman slippers can hold a great deal of water.

The weekend before Christmas was a blast! We took the kiddos to the Piqua Mall (which Karis is still convinced is called the "Pickle Mall"), where they got to ride the Christmas train. Malachi loved every minute of it. Zekers, of course, absolutely would not be persuaded to remove his 3D glasses for any reason during our mall visit.

We came home for naps and then took off again, this time for the park in Eaton, where we drove around and looked at thousands of Christmas lights. Afterward, we stopped in at the lodge for cookies, hot chocolate, and SANTA! This was an historic moment for us - the first picture ever with Santa where one or more of our munchkins isn't red-faced and screaming. Even Moo, who I was sure would be terrified, sat there and grinned like a banshee. (And to think, we almost decided not to wait in the 30-minute line.) AND the kiddos got to see even more of Santa as we were leaving - we passed him outside taking a smoking break, which, to be honest, he looked like he desperately needed. Good times.

The next day, Sunday, was the kiddos' Christmas program. Zekers and Rach rang handbells, then Rach performed in the mini-musical and just sang her little heart out. It was so sweet. If only we could have gotten Zekers to actually pay attention and quit making faces . . . maybe next year.

We celebrated Christmas with my parents on Wednesday afternoon, ate dinner and went to the Christmas Eve service at church. Christmas morning we had pancakes and eggs, read the account of Christ's birth and coming sacrifice, and tore into the gifts. We went light on the presents this year. Due to some overzealous garage saling last year, we had a mountain of gifts waiting on Christmas morning, and I felt like we WAY overemphasized that part of the day, so this year we wanted things to be different. I felt a little guilty, though, when I realized that we hadn't gotten Malachi anything - until I saw how thrilled he was playing with the wrapping paper and boxes.

After lunch, we spent the rest of the day with Danny's parents and his sister & her family. Although she was loving having an afternoon without a nap, by the end of the day, Karis was pretty worn out!

The next couple of days have been exhausting in a wonderful sort of way. Friday we spent the day running errands in Dayton, and shopping at IKEA, where we purchased some shelving units and it absolutely inspired me to reorganize and clean the entire basement, which I spent most of Saturday doing. It was like once I started I couldn't stop: I also reorganized and cleaned out most of the kitchen cabinets, and made some changes to our bedroom. Thanks to our little trip to IKEA, I now have a long "wish list" for the rest of the house! Haha. I'm working on a new diet, where we live on one meal a day for the next 10 years, so I can buy all the new furniture I want.

Anyway, I hope you had a very merry Christmas. My next entry probably won't be taking place until next year . . . .


JanAl said...

(2nd to last pic)~
Danny & Zeke look 'bad to the bone'.
What gang sign is that? (too cute!)

I am also glad the December chaos is coming to an end.

Charity said...

i think danny is spelling out "blood" and zekers is supposed to be making a "w" for "west side". i know - it's ultra intimidating. :)

danny2 said...


i'm disappointed that a girl with california connections didn't get that.

we didn't know any italian mob signs.

JanAl said...

Danny & Charity~ it brought back many memories,:} even though neither of you had on the right colors. :}

The mob look is all in the face :[

Margaret said...

Did you REALLLLY take your tree down on Christmas Day???? :)

shoemama said...

That is so funny that Santa had a smoke break!! I was cracking up at that! That is definitely good times. That's amazing that malachi wasn't scared - Luke screamed every time we offered for him to sit in santa's lap :-)

Charity said...

Margaret - yes, we really took it down on Christmas day. I know . . . I can be a total Scrooge. if we had other Christmases to celebrate, it would have (maybe) stayed up a little longer.

Hannah - the whole thing was hilarious. Santa looked like he was about ready to fall asleep. luckily, it didn't phase the kiddos, who were referring to him anyway as a "man dressed up as Santa." all they cared about was that he gave them candy canes. :)

~~anna~~ said...

Love the pic of them in their costumes, and Malachi peeking out of the background~~ "Hey, remember me!"

Chris said...

I was sooooo glad to see him in the picture too. I had assumed that was him standing between Karis and Rachel dressed in a Barbie doll costume.

Anonymous said...

your kids really blessed marissa today. thanks for taking them with you to see her! :)

marissa finch said...

hey charity i just wanted to say again how much it meant to me for you all to come and visit and how much i love the cards the kids made for me! they were so precious and did so much to lift my spirits!