Sunday, January 04, 2009


I read something today that made me laugh - it's from the book Women's Ministry in the Local Church, in which Susan Hunt sites an article in The Psychological Review reporting on the way women react when they are stressed. It struck me as funny that something which can be the cause of large amounts of stress can also help relieve stress.

" . . . Scientists generally believed that when people experience stress, they trigger a hormonal cascade that revs the body to either stand and fight or flee as fast as possible . . . Now the researchers suspect that women have a larger behavioral repertoire than just "fight or flight" . . . it seems that when the hormone oxytocin is released as part of the stress responses in a woman, it buffers the "fight or flight" response and encourages her to tend children and gather with other women instead. When she actually engages in this tending or befriending, studies suggest that more oxytocin is released, which further counters stress and produces a calming effect. This calming response does not occur in men . . . because testosterone - which men produce in high levels when they're under stress - seems to reduce the effects of oxytocin. Estrogen . . . seems to enhance it."

It is kind of incredible to discover yet another of God's provisions. It makes perfect sense that fulfilling my God-given calling as wife and mother is actually beneficial to my mental / emotional health. Every law and task He's laid before us is intended for our benefit - and ultimately His glory.

That said, I somehow think Karis is going to be very unimpressed the next time I throttle her and yell that she is supposed to be relieving my stress . . .


Anonymous said...

You just wait...she will most likely be one of the biggest blessings to you in your senior years...if you live that long & the Lord doesn't return before then!


JanAl said...

No wonder why I never feel stressed out! LOL! Just kidding!
I about gave myself an aneurysm yelling at the kids last night! LOL!

Anonymous said...

JanAl, I cannot believe that! Anytime I've ever seen your family, your kids are so well at CHURCH even!

JanAl said...

Don't let them fool you!
As soon as we get in the van, they let it all out!
Actually, I am really blessed with a well behaved husband(lol). :} I mean children. :} I am very thankful for each one of them, some challenge me a little more than others, but those are the ones that are probably stubborn and strong-willed, like me.
I can not wait to threaten them with that famous generation quote, "I hope you have one just like you". or "I hope you have one just like me". LOL!

marissa finch said...

really JanAl? some of your kids challenge you sometimes? haha...i remember whipping out the "quiet game" with your kids when i would babysit...whoever could be quiet the longest got a piggyback ride...what actually happens is that they all try to make their siblings laugh first by making funny faces so it turns out to be a fun game and they all kinda calm down at the same time!

JanAl said...

In our house, whoever is the loudest wins! Not by my choice, but we have more of the loud personalities, than the quiet ones. Cleyo ~ especially!
LOL! No really, I have to tell Cleyo to speak louder, because no one can hear him. Plus, we all think we are comedians.
But in all seriousness, I am trying to become a quiet and gentle spirit, because that is what God has commanded of me. I am under construction, but I hope to be renovated~(to renew,to make fresh,as though new,clean up,to replace worn and broken parts,repair) soon, with an adorning of the doctrine of God (Titus2:10).

~~anna~~ said...

***and gather with other women instead. When she actually engages in this tending or befriending, studies suggest that more oxytocin is released, which further counters stress and produces a calming effect. ***

I actually got to experience this today! Ginny is here (her hubby is the Director, but they spend some time in the States also) She's my age, from Indiana, etc, etc,.

Anyway, I picked her up @ SCORE and we drove to the airport (20 minutes away). There is a little coffee shop there. We sat for over 3 hrs talking....
This is the first time in 5 years we have been able to get away by ourselves and do this. There are further plans to do this again! SOON!!!! Yeah, I'm thinking that airport coffee shop is fairly dripping with oxytocin right now!

Anonymous said...

i must be more like a man because i tend to desire "flight" when stressed.

and i prefer to fly alone.... :p

Charity said...

When I'm stressed, I tend to do things like scrapbooking or listening to music or blogging (so if i ever start posting 5 times a week, you'll know something's wrong!) . . . . and yes, sometimes eating, or drinking large amounts of coffee. There is something, though, to being able to sit down and share time with a friend (friends) that can be so relaxing and uplifting. The jury's still out on the child-tending thing, though. . . not sure what I think about that.

Anonymous said...

ah yes, music! music does help. music and walking outdoors is even better, provided the weather cooperates.