Wednesday, March 15, 2006

More Than Rubies

"You have an influence that supercedes any constitutional rank."
- Chief of Staff Mike Novick, to First Lady Martha Logan on "24" (3.13.06)

In the midst of terrorist plots, betrayal, heart-wrenching deaths, and Jack Bauer's hoarse shouting, one small but breathtakingly profound sentence caught my attention - so much so that I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for the last three days, which is why I'm here now, writing about it, when there are about 14 other things I should be doing.

A little background: as the veep feeds the president some very bad advice about instuting martial law during a terrorist crisis, Chief of Staff Mike Novick pleads with the First Lady to intervene. To her protests of, "But he's the vice president!" Novick responds with the above quote. Heeding his counsel, she goes to her husband, using her influence for the good of the country. (Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until next Monday to find out what the president decides, but so far, things are looking up!)

There aren't a whole lot of earthly accolades for trying to be a God-honoring wife and mother. Now in a completely different role than I was four years ago, or even one year ago, I find periods of self-doubt more the rule than the exception. Is God using me at all? Has my sphere of influence shrunk to the point almost of non-existence?

But I find the following truths from Scripture:

"A wife of noble character is her husband's crown. (Prov. 12:4)"

"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. (Prov. 31:10)"

I read about Timothy's godly mother and grandmother (2 Tim. 1:5). Their legacy: sincere faith that lived on through him and had a timeless effect on all of Christendom.

My latest newsflash is this: Although the number of people my life touches regularly has grown smaller by necessity; God has entrusted to my care four people for whom I am a PRIMARY influence. Frankly, that scares me to death! As a wife and mother, God has given me incredible power to use either for destructive purposes or for His glory.

Oftentimes I've misinterpreted Scripture passages, taking them to mean that my role is somehow lesser as a woman. NOT TRUE! I get to spend all day every day with a baby, a toddler and a pre-schooler, helping to mold their very lives and character. I get to be there for all the ordinary, and the extraordinary, moments of their existence. I get to teach them about Jesus and how much He loves them. I get to be a sounding board for Danny - a safe place where he can express his heart. I get to support him in his ministry to the point that it becomes OUR ministry.

Women, we have an incredibly powerful, God-given role that we must not take lightly. I try to remind myself of this as I change dirty diapers and fold mountains of laundry and Swiffer the dining room floor. Sometimes the flesh takes over and I find myself resenting every minute of it. But more and more frequently, a still, small voice whispers, "As you perform these mundane tasks to keep your house and family in order, it's Me you serve. So fold joyfully; instruct faithfully; prepare meals with a glad heart; mop with reckless abandon. As you do so you worship ME."

Thanks for reading.


danny2 said...

when it comes to human relationships, you are the greatest evidence of the grace of God to me...for i certainly do not deserve you!

i love you.

Lauren Mott said...

my mom and i had a really neat talk about this topic this's really cool for me that you wrote about it. thanks, charity, you're one of my heros:)

Charity said...

danny2 - I can't wait till our little getaway this weekend!! I'm like a kid at Christmas!

Lauren - I've always thought you'll make a really fun mom one day. You certainly have loads more experience with kids of all kinds than I did!

Rachel was telling me how you call Katie P. "Katie Bug." Then she mentioned Landon. I told her he's your little brother, just like Zekers is her little brother. Without missing a beat, she said very matter-of-factly, "Well, it looked to me like he was really big!" (her exact words) Thought you'd get a kick out of that.

~~anna~~ said...

Charity, this post brought tears to my eyes...this is precious. You are where the LORD wants you....if you weren't there taking care of your family's needs, who would be? esp. the little one? Enjoy your ministry!

Anonymous said...

You may not remember this, but at one time the wives of DCHS teachers had a club called "Above Rubies." I always thought that was way cool since home making often gets a bum rap. Not only are you influencing your children, you are influencing the lives of your grandchildren and yor greats! And who knows? You might be raising the next Billy Graham or Beth Moore? AWESOME! You are THAT kind of mom. I believe in you and Hannah both....and Sarah, when the time comes.

With lots of love,

(Sorry I dumped on you on the phone this afternoon. I was just caught off guard a bit.)