Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ode to Mediocrity

I'm searching for the right word to describe today (actually, the last five days), and, ironically, I can't quite put my finger on it.

Not that it's been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day or anything like that. I just can't seem to get anything right. I made soup a couple days ago - soup that was a big hit with the fam the last time around. We practically had to force feed it to the kids this time. How can you make the exact same recipe and have it turn out completely different each time?

In addition to losing all my (severely limited) cooking skills, I've been a very subpar wife and mother & lousy friend; my guitar doesn't like me much anymore, as I can't elicit any sound from it that doesn't set my teeth on edge; my voice has gone to you-know-where since I got this sinus infection; I introduced myself to a lady last Sunday at church and found out she is a charter member of the church (oops); I scheduled a woman to serve in the nursery during her surgery - a surgery she'd told me about months ago.

I tried to get back into doing Pilates and lasted about 8 minutes (of an hour workout); I've read several disturbing articles on newssites and secular blogs this week, but can't think of any response intelligent enough to put in a comment; my prayers are ricochetting (sp?) off the ceiling and hitting me in the head; I can't seem to focus on anything; I have exactly zero creative scrapbooking ideas and four books to work on; and as I write, I'm polishing off the last of an entire box of girl scout cookies (samoas!).

Maybe I just need a vacation . . .


lyndie said...

empathizing. been feeling the same way off and on all week. cabin fever?

Anonymous said...

And yet, even in a mediocre week nothing has changed about God, Jesus, our relationship with Him, or our eternal destiny. As Anne Kiemel wrote decades ago, "Life is made up of ordinary days. And its how we use our ordinary days that determines the quality of our extraodinary days."

Anonymous said...

part of your week was giving me a hug on saturday...and it really did mean more than you know.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there.
Even on your bad days I admire your strenght and heart. Yes, and your cooking skills too!!!!!!!


~~anna~~ said...

Can't offer much real encouragement, except to sort of repeat what has already been said...some weeks just go like that. Hang in's got tog et better, right? love you!

Charity said...

Thanks everyone! I love you all and am privileged to have friends who actually read my depressing posts. :-) Things are looking up already: I haven't eaten a single samoa in 3 days, and I found a Pilates workout I actually like - the best part is, it's only 20 minutes!!