Sunday, April 09, 2006

Be Careful What You Ask For

Everyone knows how foolhardy it is to pray for patience. But I'm convinced that asking for humility is infinitely worse.

Three times this week I've prayed at the day's beginning, asking God to keep pride from my life. HA! You want to talk about answered prayer . . . .

Not a single day has gone by which hasn't offered up something to put me in my place and show me that I am far from being God's gift to the world. But come on, God could have at least given me a break from this on the days I DIDN'T ask for it.

These "teaching moments" have included everything from losing my son (see following post) to literally falling out the front door when dropping off Rachel's friend Sara after Cubbies - in front of Sara's dad, no less. Oh, and another memorable moment: leaving Montage with my friend Johanna, I somehow set off my car alarm, causing the horn to honk incessantly for about 5 minutes, since I had no clue how to turn it off.

I was actually afraid to sing for morning worship - I half expected that when I raised the mic to my mouth, I would begin croaking. I think this week I need to make my prayers more specific - I'm asking for humility, not humiliation! It's worked, though. . .

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