Sunday, November 12, 2006

Walking in the Rain Isn't as Romantic as it's Cracked up to be

Yesterday I woke up at 5:30 (due to the shock of getting 7 uninterrupted hours of sleep, no doubt). Hearing the rain falling softly outside my window, I decided right then and there that an early morning walk would be just the thing to start off the day.

I love rainy days, most of the time. In movies, rain makes even the most mundane moments seem dramatic - or at least incredibly romantic. In the rain, flight becomes more desperate and betrayal more treacherous. Conversations take on greater significance as emotions are heightened. A kiss in the rain becomes a thing of transcendent beauty. The most powerful, climactic scenes generally seem to take place in the rain.

I don't know what I was expecting (or, I do, but I'm just too embarrassed to actually say it!). What I got was a very dark, very cold, very wet walk at an ungodly hour on a Saturday morning. What started out as a gentle sort of drizzle quickly turned into a blustery downpour. It was not fun. It was not romantic. It was not redemptive. I turned around after walking less than four blocks. How can you leave your house feeling like the heroine one moment, and come slogging back home feeling like a complete moron the next?

Sometimes I just have to sit down and have a good laugh at my own expense . . . feel free to join in.


Anonymous said...

Chuckling here! :) Charity, I admire your optimism! I think just the fact that you got out of bed before being awakened by children, determined to enjoy an unconventional walk, and headed out optimistically....that in itself is definitely somewhat heroic, don't you think? I did the same thing the other morning, but my morning was a crispy clear one...cold and windy, but definitely not raining!

~~anna~~ said...

ah Charity you amaze me with each posting....your optimism about walking in the rain early in the morning is refreshing....while it may not have been as romantic as the movies depict it, it is still a fun memory to pull up when you need a smile again.
Any mom who willingly gets out of bed at that hour and set out to walk should earn *brownie points* or maybe just *brownies*.
I LOVE a good rainy day!

marissa finch said...

charity i think you should have danny post that story he told us last night about your "beauty and the beast" date...that would get some laughs im sure!

Charity said...

That was NOT a date!! :-)