Saturday, February 17, 2007

Till We Have (Happy) Faces

I knew he could do it!!

Last Friday we trekked over to JC Penney and witnessed a miracle. The photographer actually got great shots of Zekers (he'll be 3 at the end of March), Kari Bou (she'll be 18 months at the end of February) and all three of the kids (just for the fun of it) in less than 20 minutes. And they all looked happy!

So about Zekers' super-cute pose: at first, I was absolutely thrilled. But LATER as I looked through pictures on my digital camera - 10 of which were me trying to get Zekers to look even a little bit happy - I grew increasingly indignant. I'm posting these 2 pictures so you can see just how different the response is when the photographer tells Zekers to smile, as opposed to when his own mother (who went through 6 hours of labor to bring him into the world) makes the same request.

I want to know this photographer's secret. How is it that a complete stranger can instantly inspire such sweet smiles in my son, while I get shots like this one?

Maybe I need to invest in a carpeted wooden platform with curtains behind it. Or maybe I should just forget ever pursuing a career in photography! haha. Or we could go with Danny's theory: that Zekers is simply showing his displeasure at the fact that his hair looks "girly" because of the curls Mommy hasn't had the heart to cut off. Deep down, though, I know the secret: he's always been a sucker for pretty girls who tell him how adorable he is!


Anonymous said...

ok, are you SURE you told him to smile? cause that kinda looks like the face he used after you told him "no more cookies" when we were over last....

Anonymous said...

this gives me hope that maybe Esther's 2 year pictures will turn out okay. Hers always look like the ones you take of Zeke.