I can't complain about the first 12 weeks of this pregnancy - overall, the baby's taken it easy on me! But the past 6 days, fatigue has hit me like a frieght train. So basically, it's been a very long week and I've been very short on patience.
Today, however, has been a total gift from God. All day long, the kiddos have just been a joy - and a total riot! I started laughing at breakfast and I guess that set the tone for the rest of the day. It was all because of things like . . .
. . . Karis, noting that Zekers was getting laughs, repeating "Up, Dog" and looking very pleased with herself
. . . Going downstairs to investigate some banging sounds and finding Zekers and Karis happily playing in the dryer
. . . Rachel donning her princess nightgown and some clashing leggings at around 2 in the afternoon, and thinking she's the queen of fashion
. . . Zekers donning a fireman's hat and cowboy vest and trotting off to save "Princess Sweet Charms" (Where does he come up with this stuff?)
. . . Karis, so proud of herself because she discovered Rachel's play makeup and smeared it all over her face
. . . Trying to practice guitar and Zekers begging me to play his favorite song, There She Goes Again
. . . Rachel & Zekers pretending they just got married, and Rachel telling me that the only problem with her new husband was "He's just too bossy." (Ironic, considering the source)
. . . Zekers figuring out he can sneak in "bad words" by saying he doesn't want to say them. ("Mommy, I don't wanna say 'Shut up'"; "Mommy, it's bad to say 'Crap'"; "I don't like it when I say 'butt'".)
. . . All three munchkins sitting in laundry baskets watching Cinderella (I stopped asking "Why" a long time ago)
. . . Rachel making me go into the bathroom to count her poops (8) so she could brag about how many she produced
. . . Zekers making up words and phrases all day long, and, when questioned as to their meaning, replying (every time), "It means that you click something."
. . . Karis yelling "Bye-bye, Dada!" out the front door as Danny left for his class tonight. She has a special smile just for her daddy, and it melts my heart to see it.
Several months ago, after listening to a John Piper sermon from a Together for the Gospel conference that Danny attended, I decided to change my response when the kids (or anyone) thank me for doing something for them - which they're pretty good at remembering to do. I realized today that they really are listening, as I began to change the fourth poopy diaper for the day and muttered under my breath, "Why am I even bothering with this? It'll just be dirty again in 20 minutes." Zekers immediately replied, "Because it's your pleasure, Mommy."
So, in spite of some occasional fighting, whining and scattering piles of clean laundry throughout the house, it's been a good day. Laughter certainly can be therapeudic.