Friday, April 13, 2007

Thomas Underwear = Chicken Soup for my Soul

What began as a curse has morphed into the most unexpected gift . . .

Today was the first day I set foot outside the house since Sunday; I can't remember the last time we've been homebound for so long, and I do NOT do well with being forced to hang around the house 24/7. The girls got sick on Monday, Zekers caught the bug on Tuesday, and I came down with it on Thursday. Even after the worst of it had passed, none of us were in any shape to do anything but sit around, staring straight ahead with glazed eyes. I was irritated to have to miss weekly events I look forward to; I was frustrated because out of sheer necessity I ended up letting the kids watch at least twice as much TV as usual (How did those Pioneers manage without electronic media?); I had a severe case of the blahs and there was nothing I could do about it.

But here's the amazing thing:

For an entire year I have been stressing about potty training Zekers, and he's made it abundantly clear that he's not even remotely close to being ready. He didn't want to be a "big boy"; he cried every time I tried to tempt him by having him put on his cool Thomas the Train underwear; and he could care less about his friends who peed in the potty, nonchalantly informing them that he preferred doing his business in his diaper. Finally I threw up my hands in despair, and resigned myself to a future of buying diapers for him until he's able to get a job and pay for them himself. (OK, that's not the amazing thing, but just hang on - I'm getting to it!)

A couple of months ago, a good friend let me borrow an ebook she'd downloaded about a 3-day potty training method that was supposed to be fool-proof. So I read it over, thought it actually sounded pretty good, talked about it with Danny, and together we set aside this weekend, beginning on Thursday, for the intensive potty training to take place. (It had to be a weekend with NOTHING else going on, so I could focus solely on Zekers and Danny could take care of everything and everyone else for the three days.)

I can't even believe I'm writing this . . . Zekers has, pretty much all on his own, kept himself dry (with the exception of one accident) since Wednesday morning - the day before I had planned to start potty training him. I honestly have no idea how it happened - but I shouldn't be surprised; it is so in character for him to just, out of the blue, make up his mind to do something like this. We've gone cold turkey - no diapers, no pull-ups, nothing but "big boy underwear" for the past 3 days and nights!

And you know what I think? He needed those consecutive days at home, with no interruptions, to get into the habit of going potty on his own. He began at the start of the week to go in his little potty every so often and just worked his way up to no diapers in a matter of days. . . unbelievable. It was totally worth all of us getting sick! I'm so glad God is willing to mess up my agenda every once in a while - I need the intervention.

In other news: Karis has begun sleeping in a toddler bed! This happened shortly after I disciplined Rachel several times for getting Karis out of her crib, and then realized that Karis had actually been climbing out on her own. Just one of many things Rachel will end up having to forgive me for before she leaves home, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

So awful that you ended up getting the bug, Charity...but wonderful news about Zekers! My boys were like that too, I stressed and stressed with them that they'd never be potty trained. And then when I gave up and forgot about it, they did it all on their own in a matter of days. Go figure. Poor Rachel! Bad news for you....I have a little list of unjust punishments still from when I was a child. I think I've forgiven mom and dad though...does it count if I still remember them? ;) It's part of life as the oldest child I'm afraid. You should know!

Anonymous said...

Charity, I'm glad such a yucky week ended up with high note. Hope you are feeling well again. You know, I'm wondering if a successful potty training is what Prov. 31:29 is talking about - "Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all." ;)

I am sure I celebrated when our last one was done with potty training. It was the crowning moment of motherhood to be finished with that. :) Everytime I look at snuggly, cuddly babies and miss having a tiny one in the house, it's not the dirty diapers or sleepless nights that talk sense to me but rather the thought of potty training one more time! lol.

I can't believe you did it all in 3 days - that is so crazy! And nights, too, at the same time? Where were you when I was training my four?! :)

Anonymous said...

Hoorah for Zeke!!!!

Miss Karis is SUCH a go-getter! If we have not been able to swing a woman president by the time she is grown, I can see her going for it...and WINNING!!! not really but she has the stuff!

Now, as to Miss Rachel, if her mommy is any indication of first born daughters and the injustices they suffer, then she is going to turn out just fine. Just teach her the imagination techniques you used as a young girl! HA HA HA HA!!!!!! mm

anonymous_commentator said...

Please reconcile.....(of course you're under NO obligation)....claim to 'housewife'/'I do NOT do well with being forced to hang around the house 24/7.'

'For an entire year I have been stressing about potty training Zekers......Zekers has, pretty much all on his own, kept himself dry......I'm so glad God is willing to mess up my agenda every once in a while - I need the intervention.'
I think THAT's the only time I've EVER prayed for the success of someone's potty-training venture. Oh well, I guess we all need to 'stop and smell the roses' (so to speak) once in a while, eh?

Charity said...

Actually, Zekers did wet the bed last night and had one accident today - bummer. (It was my fault for giving him way too much to drink before bed) But he's been dry the rest of the day . . . I guess we'll see how church goes tomorrow!

Charity said...

Anonymous - I didn't see your comment when I posted mine yesterday, so in reply:

While Titus 2:3-5 calls younger women to be "workers at home" I haven't yet found a passage of Scripture that states/implies it is against this calling to ever venture out of the house (or to take pleasure in doing so at times)! :-) defines "housewife" as: a married woman who manages her own household, esp. as her principal occupation. Efficient management of one's home often involves running various errands to make sure food is on the table, children are clothed, husband looks presentable, etc. (I believe the Proverbs 31 woman would agree, as she conducted transactions such as buying a field, planting a vineyard, and bringing her food from afar, which I assume required stepping out of her house for periods of time.)

I appreciate and enjoy the privilege of staying at home with my children. I also enjoy the opportunity to get some fresh air by taking them to the park or running necessary errands. And I enjoy being a part of our church community - attending LIFE group, participating in a women's Bible Study, meeting other moms for lunch, etc.

I can't think of many occupations which require the worker to stay on location at all times - except maybe former prison guards at Alcatraz, which I definitely do not feel parallels my calling! A wife who never sets foot outside her house, but spends all day on the internet, on the phone, or watching TV, while ignoring the needs of her family is less worthy of the name "housewife" than a wife who enjoys sallying forth at times, while diligently attending to her family's physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Was that a long enough answer? :-) Thanks for the question, and I trust that my posts, both past and future, show that at least the first half of my blog title is no misnomer! haha.

Also, thanks for lifting up our family in prayer . . . it means more than you will ever know.

Anonymous said...

seems as though the zekers who came back when he turned three really did want to use the potty, but the two-year-old zekers refused to let him.

yeah, i know - that was kinda "out there"

glad to hear you're finally seeing some success!

anonymous_commentator said...

...and I trust you recognized the 'TIC' nature of my comment. No doubt I should be less confrontational in my attempts at humor!

Btw, how did Zekers do in church today? We noticed you stayed rather close to the toddler nursery during the service. The assumption was made that it was as an insurance policy.....

Brooke said...

I know what it's like when you are stuck at home all week...we were last week, too! Unfortunately, no potty-trained little boys resulted (not that I was expecting it when Knox is only 1!). I'm glad for you! Also, I had to laugh at your comment on my post. I had to sing through Yankee Doodle to far we only have Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells in our repertoire, but hopefully it will expand and have "family-friendly" results! - Brooke

Anonymous said...

Good, I don't feel so bad that Esther gave all of you the bug. I can fogive myself now. :-)
it was worth it to get Zeke potty trained.

Charis & Judah's Mom said...

I am feeling the strangest sensation...what is it? Hmmmm. Oh, jealousy. Yes, that's definitely it. Jealousy. I can't wait for the day Charis shows any interest whatsoever in using the potty. But she's not 3 until June, so maybe the magic that 3 wrought for you will visit our house, too...

Anonymous said...

And all this time I thought Pepee was someone from Mexico.....
