A friend and I had decided to watch the kids of another friend of ours for the day so she could get some things done around the house. Honestly, I was really looking forward to the day and my spirits soared as I sped (quite literally, it turns out) toward her house. A little too late, I noticed the police cruiser sitting by the side of the road. To my dismay, I noticed the officer was a middle-aged woman: no chance of getting out of this one!
To make matters worse, my license was 2 months expired, as she pointed out when she nailed me both for that and for speeding. I actually have to show up in court in 2 weeks, and she suspended my driving privileges until I got my license renewed - as of that very moment. I had no option but to call Danny, who had to drive the van to pick up the kids, then drive me to get my license renewed (where I had the added bonus of trying to explain to the BMV lady why I was in posession of 2 driver's licenses - long story), then drive me back to get his truck so I could drive everyone back to our house. I felt like I was five.
I guess I was due. I can't cry foul on this one - I got exactly what I deserved. As frustrated as I was yesterday, I now realize that doing something kind for someone doesn't exonerate one from breaking the law in the process. *sigh* It's just that this particular law is so hard for me to abide by sometimes . . . OK, most of the time.
On a brighter note, the day got much better. We had 7 kids in the morning, and 9 in the afternoon, and the day actually went pretty fast. It's a good feeling, after being on the receiving end of so much unexpected kindness, to be able to give back a little.
And here, for those who demand pictures of the craziness, is irrefutable proof . . .
Zekers insisted on wearing his clown wig all morning on Monday, as well as part of a knight costume he got for Christmas. He wouldn't even take them off for lunch. A typical day in the life for him, I suppose.
1) Does this mean that Zeke will be the guy with the colored streaks in his hair when he's a teen?
2) I notice that it's 'like mother, like daughter' with the sunglasses. Hope that's not true with the speeding tickets and the fender benders!
3) Adorable photos. Thanks for posting them.
ok, now i believe you ;)
do you carry a camera around your neck wherever you go so you can get these shots? or do you just keep one in every room so you can grab it easily?
and with all these photos, may i suggest you buy stock in hobby lobby....?
Actually, Dee, every time I start to overheat about something (like the marker incident), I try to grab my camera get a picture. It helps me calm down and realize that this eventually will be funnier than it is at the moment! It's the best therapy I've found to date . . . let me know if you hear of Hobby Lobby having another 50% off sale on scrapbooking supplies. :-) I'll be there!
Mom - are you saying i usually wear flowery princess sunglasses? :-)
didn't your pregnancy evoke any sympathy with a middle-aged police officer?
i too am prone to "lead footed-ness". my heart constricts and i lose my breath everytime i see a cop car (NOT b/c i think men in uniform are attractive)- even if i'm not doing anything wrong. i had my license restricted for 90 days when i was a senior. i think i saw a cop 89 out of those 90 days. - it's surprising i'm still alive, considering my autonomic response.
Lyndie - LOL, why on earth did you have your license restricted?? Maybe i don't wanna know!
Unfortunately, I've found that while male cops can sometimes be reasoned with, female cops in general seem to have no sympathy for the human plight. On the bright side, Danny and I made it through a sobriety checkpoint last night without any fines or tickets! :-)
does 'middle-aged' officer mean that she was actually YOUNGER than you?
-just checkin'-
-ducks and exits discreetly-
LOL! That's a painfully good point by anonymous_commentator. ;)
Lead foot here too. What I don't understand is how when Matt gets stopped...he NEVER gets a ticket and I never get out of them. He says it's b/c I don't grovel enough! He's probably right...he's Mr. Humility in that situation. And I'm always fuming. I try to use my cruise control as much as possible to prevent the problem. But, the other day I got stopped for going through what the officer said was a red light. I still maintain that it was a solid yellow. And that it would have been a hard stop plus noone was coming from the other way. But see....Matt says there's my problem. The officer asks if I can justify what I did, and of course I try to. He says I should have just said humbly "No...there's no excuse for what I did".
Just my luck to be going through a yellow with an officer coming up behind me in the other lane. I actually did only get a warning this time....but I think I owe it to my amused and inquisitive children. They asked him why going on yellow was bad...giving him the opportunity to wax eloquent while their humiliated mother sat silently and then they told him that they wanted to be police officers. So he gave them all Jr. cop stickers and me just a warning. :)
Tarah - See . . .that's what i'm talking about! Male cops can be occasionally swayed. The officer who stopped me didn't ask any questions so i could even make a pretense of being humble and contrite. That is a really great story about the yellow/red light, though - it must have been the highlight of the kids' (and maybe the cop's) day!
AC - I guess you haven't known me long enough to know that I married Danny when I was 13 (give or take 10 years) You'd better be wearing shin guards the next time I see you. ;-)
Wow, rough day! But that pic of Zeke in that outfit is pretty awesome! Your kids sure make me laugh and I haven't even met them! I agree with the camera therapy...I feel the same way, knowing I will laugh when I see the picture later!
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