Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Great County Fair, part 1

OK, you know you've lived here too long when you actually arrange your August schedule around the opening weekend of the county fair!!

The kids and I have been looking forward to this week all summer. I mean, why wouldn't I eagerly anticipate the chance to consume the greasiest food known to man, while walking around getting covered with dust from head to toe and throwing large amounts of cash away with both hands? I love it!

The first three days of the fair have been spent getting acquainted with all the animals - sheep, pigs, cows, goats, dogs, rabbits, horses, chickens and ducks. Their owners are so friendly - or just extremely bored - and more than willing for the kids to pet and spend time around their animals.

These are a few snapshots of our first 3 days. My personal favorite was meeting several very large dogs, including a beautiful Newfoundland who weighs about what I will weigh in several more weeks. (don't even ask)


Anonymous said...

I bet the big dogs name is Adam, now I am not a betting person. But I think the Dogs owner is Jeannie Grosch

Sue House

Anonymous said...

i have lived here longer than you, charity, and i'm ashamed to say that i've not yet even made an attempt to get to the fair....

i usually do try to go at least ONE day, but with the weather forecast for this week, i think i already missed my best chance.

our family is well-represented by our kids, though. ty hasn't missed a single day so far.

Unknown said...

Please contact me at 858-274-8870 x272. We love your support.

Alicia Bravo
Marketing Assistant

Lauren Mott said...

whoa look at that! charity is a major marketing force!! i'm not at all surprised....

oh, the fair....i miss the food and the lemon shake-ups. but not the dust and the crowds!

Chris said...

I remember last year when you were actually thinking about ordering a fish taco. At that moment I knew you were spending too much time at the fair.........

Anonymous said...

So Charity, do tell....are they going to use a quote from you on the fruitabu box? Do they want your photogenic family to do a commercial? Are they offering you free fruitabu? :D I'm going to have to check this stuff out!