Saturday, September 01, 2007

Never a Dull Moment

Rach, Zekers and Kari Bou are at this moment walking around in hats, backpacks and maternity shirts from my closet. Rachel has decided she and Zekers are the mom and dad - Charlie and Hannah Jones, and Kari Bou is the baby, named Pebble Jones. They are currently not answering to any other names.

A couple of days ago, I left the kiddos upstairs to play while I ran down and threw in some laundry and cleaned up the basement a little. I was gone about a total of 8.5 minutes, when I heard what sounded like sort of a sploshing noise coming from the dining room. I ran up the stairs, only to find that the three munchkins had opened the cooler we used for their party, saw that most of the ice had melted, and decided to stuff every dish cloth and towel we own into said cooler. Somehow, in the process, they had managed to get most of the water onto the dining room floor, which now looked something like a pond.

I threw up my hands in exasperation and asked, "Can't I leave you guys alone for even a few minutes without disaster ensuing?" To which Rachel rolled her eyes and replied matter-of-factly: "Well, duh!"


Anonymous said...

Sounds a bit like the "Betty Webertz Capers!" Pay Back Time!! Yo Mamma

danny2 said...

if you can't leave me alone upstairs, what made you think you could leave the kids alone?

Brooke said...

Wow, a lot has been happening! I haven't checked your blog in awhile and I loved reading about the birthday party. Five-year-olds are a whole new thing, huh? I can see Mckenna heading toward being like Rachel in a lot of ways! How is it going getting rid of the paci?

Charity said...

Hi Brooke! Kari's done great without her beloved binky - sleeps fine at night, etc. But she's had some crazy regression in the potty department. Not sure if the 2 are related . . .but maybe this way she'll get her regression out of the way before the baby comes!!