Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkins and Apples

Saturday, we took our annual family trip to a local pumpkin patch with the kids. The price seems to go up every year - this year it was $6 per person (over 4). But there's so much for kids to do! There's a zip-line swing, a huge tunnel slide that runs down the side of a steep hill, a small forest full of storybook characters (Peter Pan on a gigantic pirate ship, the castle from Beauty and the Beast, the cottage of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves), a corn maze, hay wagons, farm animals, a pumpkin patch, a "caterpillar wagon" ride, a corn crib and bales of hay to play in, and a play area with horses made out of tires and a "hay maze", among other things. Danny and I also love the little bakery where you can get fresh-baked cookies, fruit turnovers and apple fritters. Mmmmmm.

So here's some snapshots of our day:

The 3 Musketeers on top of a giant straw turkey

A highlight of Rachel's day was having her picture taken with one of her heroes.

Kari Bou, on the other hand, wasn't so sure about the giant cut-out character thing

The zip-line swing was a big hit!

"Monster Mountain" (which Zekers insists on calling "Monster Valley")

Most dreaded words to hear in the middle of a corn maze: "I have to go potty, Mommy!"

How Baby Malachi spent most of the day

The kiddos could have spent several hours just playing with dry corn. Turns out, we took many souveniers home with us, in their clothes, shoes and underwear.

The caterpillar ride

The most interesting segment of the afternoon was taking all three kiddos into the port-a-john with me! We'd taken a hayride from the corn maze to the front of the farm, and Danny came separately with Malachi. So, there was no help for it. It was a bit crowded, and the kids were a little freaked out ("It's not a real toilet, Mom!"). Kari Bou flatly refused to use it, but the others eventually worked up the courage.

Afterward, we came home, immediately bathed the kids, ate dinner and finished out the evening by watching Finding Nemo. Not a bad way to spend the day. Unfortunately, I realized I didn't get any "pumpkin pictures" with the kids. Oh well - maybe next year (if the price doesn't go up again!)


Anonymous said...

Ah, the memories! Your kids will hold this tradition in their hearts for years to come. I remember playing in the shelled corn in my Grandpa's barn. It was so fun. So much 'scope for the imagination!' It's the simple things that kids remember, not all the expensive toys and such. So glad you were able to do this. mm

Eileen said...

So fun to have an autumn family excursion! And now that the teams are even: 3 on the guys side, 3 on the girls. (I know, I know, all one Big Team.)

Funny to see that I've been influenced by the *traditions, superstitions* here in Russia of babies and keeping them at home for months and months with no visitors at all for the first month - to protect from germs. (and then they wonder why no immunity!) Because at first when reading about your excursion I thought And where is baby? and was surprised and delighted that little Malachi was along - Of Course he was!...but had to laugh at myself on that one. Thanks for a great blog, as per usual! EE (http://russiawithlove.blogspot.com)

Anonymous said...

if only my 4 kids could still be delighted with this kind of entertainment! while i no longer have the energy to do what you are doing, i still sometimes miss those days.

~~anna~~ said...

I think my favorite is Rachel and Zeke walking thru the corn maze holding hands. How precious!
Oh how I miss Fall!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to check out the place you guys went, since Esther will be 3 next year, she would enjoy a lot of that stuff. maybe we could all go together! $6 isn't bad for all that you get to do. I was looking online and a lot of the corn mazes are up to $8 or $10.

Charity said...

That is just crazy - after Saturday, I think I would have paid $10 to never go through another corn maze! Rachel and Zekers really liked it, though.

Chris said...

I think the kids are all
GOURD-ious !!!!!!!!

Brooke said...

Wow, I can't believe you did that excursion with a newborn. That's great! Glad you had fun!