Wednesday, April 23, 2008


OK, I'm going to devote this post to predicting the outcome of my absolute favorite show, American Idol. It's fun to be a little shallow on occasion, and I have just been bursting to do this for quite some time. So here goes - we'll see how good I am at predictions . . .

This week - Jason Castro has to go finally! He's got a cool voice and has done some really cool arrangements, but he's pretty much reached his limit. Not really much of a "wow factor." Plus, last night was a disaster, proving that he's just not as versatile as some of the other contestants.

Next week - I hate to say it, but I have a feeling Brooke will be next. She peaked over a month ago on "Let it Be" and it's been downhill for her the past couple of weeks. I really like her folky sound, but I think she's beginning to let the pressure get to her.

Week #3 & 4 - I think that Syesha and Carly will be eliminated, hopefully in that order. Carly is my 2nd favorite, but unfortunately, she doesn't have the fan base of a few of the other contestants.

Final 2 - Davids Archuletta and Cook. I would describe Archuletta's voice as absolutely perfect, and . . . absolutely boring. I thought he was amazing the first few times I heard him, and I still think his vocals are pretty amazing, but he's getting to be quite predictable and one-dimensional. David Cook, in my opinion, is hands-down the best contestant, we're talking by a mile. He can basically sing anything and make it sound good, and he's also got the gritty rocker thing going for him. Let's put it this way: while he is performing (or Carly), I would probably duct take the kiddos mouths shut if Danny didn't intervene. Since David Archuletta has a HUGE fan base of pre-adolescent girls (and doesn't look much older than that himself!), he may end up winning the whole thing. He has Rachel's vote, if that tells you anything. But in the end, I think David Cook will win out. Let's hope so.


Anonymous said...

i fully agree with your next two eliminations, but i think that it will be close between syesha and david archuletta. not sure which will go first. also agree that carly and david cook are top dogs overall and are the most versatile. i hope it comes down to the two of them in the end.

but having said that, i doubt i'd buy an album from either of them. i enjoy the process, but i soon forget about them when it's all over :p

danny2 said...

jar jar lives on!!!!

Margaret said...

It was interesting reading your post the night after eliminations...I had actually predicted Brooke would go this week. I have really enjoyed her quiet, gentle spirit, but I guess that's not very conducive to American Idol. I was quite surprised it was Carly. I'm pretty certain Jason will be eliminated next week.

I think you are completely correct about David A...his voice and tone are almost flawless and he has a huge little girl fan base.

My vote in the end will be for David C...his voice reminds me of Todd Agnew...and he just seems overall more able to handle fame and fortune.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with your assessment. Although, I think people really want Brooke to do well...if she would really pull it together and have a couple great weeks, I think she could stay in for top 3. I think what David A. lacks is maturity and depth. He just needs more life experience. I don't like David C. all that much, but agree that he is the most talented at this point. My vote has been for Brooke throughout top 12, but she is letting the pressure get to her and has made some bad choices.

So glad you are back blogging! :)

Chris said...

Ha Ha Jason is still there. Syesha needs to go before him.

I "dred" to see him go.....

Anonymous said...

I choose David Cook also! David A is not only a bit boring/predictable vocally but he doesn't seem to have much to say...charm but little personality?

Also, David Cook is the one I was telling you about. The gal he wants back as his girlfriend is the sister of my teacher friend. We knew he was going to be on AI before the top 24 were announced. It's kinda cool to have that sort of connection. Is that the "6 degrees of separation" thing?

Charity said...

What can I say? I think AI viewers made the wrong choice last night, and I'm so disappointed I won't get to hear Carly sing anymore on the show. it's become more about personality/popularity than about vocals at this point. i just can't wait to see what the remaining 5 contestants do with Neil Diamond next week! (too bad we won't get to hear Kristy Lee's rendition of one of his songs)

Anonymous said...

i'm totally shocked carly is out. what were they thinking?! i so looked forward to hearing what she would do each week. and jason wasn't even in the bottom two? something's messed up.

i might have to stop watching.

Anonymous said...

Are you voting?

shoemama said...

ma, I always love your humor! you are so funny!

AI is funny. It's this totally huge deal and out of all the seasons, the only one I even hear or remember is Carrie Underwood.

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a way at this point, to have the emphasis be on talent alone! Carly and Michael Johns were sooo good. I am with you, David Cook has them all beat by a mile.

Charity said...

Correction: Rachel just informed me she likes Jason Castro and David Archuletta. Kari bou chimed in with a hearty "I like David Archoowetta."

Chris said...

Do you think Carly's song choice had anything to do with the vote?

Anonymous said...

Matt mentioned that....he thought it might have. We couldn't even stand to listen to the whole thing. I like Carly, and the style suited her...but have always hated that song.

Charity said...

I thought of that, too. Neither the song choice nor the whole-arm tattoo helped her cause. I'm just bummed I won't get to hear her sing anymore.