Friday, August 28, 2009

Afternoon at the Museum

A couple of months ago, Danny and I spent a day at the Creation Museum. We liked it so much, we decided to return - with our three oldest kiddos. It worked out perfectly: since we'd already had a chance to check out every detail of the place, we knew which displays to focus on with the kids and which to move through more quickly.

They loved the dinosaur display; Noah's ark; the planetarium; the botanical gardens and petting zoo; and the fact that we ate lunch in the back of the van before we went in! (There was a picnic area, but we didn't feel like hauling the cooler.)

Something I never knew before: since donkeys, horses, and zebras are all part of the same family, they can breed amongst themselves. Today we saw both a zonkey and a zorse (and Danny wondered aloud why a donkey/horse mix wouldn't be called a "honkey").

So, thanks to some wonderful friends who have been kind enough to share their guest passes with us,
we thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon at the museum, marveling at God's amazing design. Karis did great, but I would definitely recommend taking kids who are at least 5 and up - a lot of it seems especially geared for elementary aged kids & teens.

And a special thanks to Aunt Hannah, Esther and Luke, who took care of Mr. Moo so we wouldn't have his craziness to deal with at the museum!


shoemama said...

You got some great pictures at the museum!
I loved the comment about the honkey - that would be an awesome name for an animal!
Malachi was awesome

Charity said...

Thanks again for watching him - having him at the museum would NOT have been pretty!

Tarah said...

Hey, Charity....I'm finally back in the blogosphere after a rather long hiatus! I wanted to tell Danny that I really enjoyed those articles on parenting he posted a few days ago. I tried to comment, but for some reason my ID wasn't working right. I think now that I have a blogspot address, it probably will work better.