Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Embracing the Mess

It's been one of THOSE days. The kind where you instinctively know that anything you set out to accomplish is just going to be one more exercise in futility.

The morning started out OK. Since the time change, the kids have been getting up around 6 - 6:30, but that's OK, since I've been setting the alarm for 5:30, and generally only letting myself hit the "snooze" button once. It makes a world of difference just having a little time to myself in the AM, instead of the day rushing up on me, in the form of little people in footed pajamas, while I'm still in bed.

Today Karis had an appointment at our pediatritian's office to receive her second flu shot (Children getting the flu shot for the first time have to receive it in 2 "installments."). For us, it's a 40-minute drive to the office, and the parking lot is currently being reconstructed, so about half of it is blocked off, which makes finding a parking spot a bit of a challenge. We finally found one - so far away from the building that it took us nearly 10 minutes to walk to the main entrance and get to the third floor. I took all three kids in, hoping the visit would be fairly brief.

It was brief, alright. We'd been there several minutes when a nurse came out and informed us that Karis couldn't get the shot because it hasn't been four weeks since the first one. I couldn't help asking the obvious, glaring question: "Then why in the world was our appointment scheduled for today?" She just shrugged - after all, she wasn't the one who'd wasted an entire morning getting three kids ready and hauling them to the doctor - and said, "Somebody must not have been paying attention." Well, there you have it. That definitely sets my heart at rest - especially coming from the establishment that I've entrusted with the MEDICAL CARE of my CHILDREN!!

And it's been downhill ever since. Upon arriving home, I attempted to load the dishwasher, but every time I opened it, there was Kari Bou, climbing in or trying to grab a knife or licking a dirty bowl. Then she got a kick out of opening every drawer she could and trying to climb in. Also, Rach and Zekers are going through some kind of nurturing phase, where they love putting their dolls and stuffed animals to bed, covered up with dish cloths and towels from the kitchen. The ones they don't use end up on the floor, along with all the plastic containers and cookware Kari Bou has scattered around. At this point I've thrown up my hands in despair of ever having a house that isn't completely trashed. But at least Kari Bou's escapades made for some cute pictures. Live in the moment, baby.


Anonymous said...

Charity! I just love your blogs. I try to stop in once in a while and catch up on what's going on in your life. Sounds a lot like mine! The dishwasher is definitely a point of interest for both of our kids, too. I only wish they would feel the same pull when they got a little older and can acutally help! Hey, I have a blog,'s on Xanga and my profile name is SinginMama. Talk to ya soon!

Charity said...

Hey Marcie, great to hear from you! That's great that you have a blog - I will definitley check it out.

Speaking of "helping" when they're older - I got Rachel with the camcorder a couple of weeks ago promising to clean the toilet every week when she's old enough. I plan to pull out that footage at an opportune moment in several years . . .

Anonymous said...

That picture of Kari sitting in the dishwasher is so cute!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has those days. Esther also loves to "help" me clean the floor by getting all the washcloths and dishcloths out.


Anonymous said...

i want to hear rachels promise sometime. when i was little my parents taped me "sing praying" where i would sing in a loud high and monotone voice my prayers.

Charity said...

Hannah - All I can say is, these days of letting Rachel "help" had better pay off someday!

Katie - What you really need to hear is Rachel's "Ariel immitation". It sounds like a motorcycle revving up.

Anonymous said...

i would love to