Saturday, September 22, 2007

On Having a Watermelon for a Stomach

In spite of hopes to the contrary, it looks like baby #4 is going to be forced out of hiding, like both of his sisters before him. I really didn't want to be induced this time, but when I found out that the only OB in our town will be on vacation for several weeks, and that they have no idea who will be filing in for her - well, that was the last straw. I'm going to deliver at a hospital about an hour from here, with my own doctor. It's actually a huge relief to know he'll be there, and that the end is in sight (only 10 more nights "sleeping" on the couch!). His big debut is scheduled for October 3 - one week before his due date. If he decides to make an entrance before then, I'm really not sure what we'll do! I guess we'll be stashing a tarp in the van just in case . . .

The truth is, I'm ready. Being obnoxiously huge in front has definitely made life interesting - for all of us. In the past few weeks, I've become a little tired of . . .

. . . smacking into the kids with my ballooning belly and sending them flying across the room.

. . . forgetting about the extra 35 lbs. hanging off the front, and nearly slamming my stomach in the van door.

. . . regularly getting stuck between the van and the freezer in our garage.

. . . having to roll off the sofa in the morning and thrash around like a fish out of water, just to be able to achieve an upright position.

. . . feeling like I'm playing a steel guitar instead of an acoustic.

. . . lumbering to the bathroom about every hour during the night.

. . . having strangers take one look at me and say, "Twins, is it?"

. . . trying to clean the bathtub and almost falling in.

. . . having the general appearance of a large tent.

. . . forcing the kids to balance on my knees whenever they ask to sit in my lap.

. . . finding clothes that actually fit, only to outgrow them a week later.

. . . catching sight of a wierd, disproportionate caricature in the store window, and realizing it's me.

. . . having my own daughter look at me in awe and say, "Wow, Mom, you're the biggest person I know!"

OK, my venting session is over (for the moment!) It's just that I've never been much good at being pregnant, and would much rather be holding my sweet baby in my arms than carrying him around in my belly. I can't wait to meet the little guy, and I thank God almost every day for keeping him healthy and safe (and huge) so far! It is awfully sweet, though, when the kiddos say "Good morning, Baby!" into my stomach every day, and give him hugs and kisses.

On that note, my mom sent me an email the other day, linking to a website that offered the following:

Studies show that drinking caffeinated beverages can affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant . . . in one study, 3 cups of coffee per day reduced women’s chances of getting pregnant by 26%!

So all I have to do is drink 12 cups of coffee per day, and I'm set!


Anonymous said...

OR 2 expressos?

~~anna~~ said...

I'm sure you are probably getting quite uncomfortable, ((and for all the reasons you listed)) but seeing you today at the open house made me want to say one thing "You look so beautiful". May our LORD give you sweet rest in the next few days as you prepare to welcome your new little boy into your arms..

Charity said...

anonymous - haha! that's even better!

anna - thanks for the encouragement; it was great seeing you today!

Eileen said...

Charity, wishing you all the very best in the days and hours ahead. Appreciate your humor and enjoyment of the little watermelon. The title of your blog today reminds me of a textbook we had in high school for our poetry class, *Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle.* Our teacher was a Kent State grad, a hippy type so we got exposed to some rather diverse views, I guess. But, well - he never had a watermelon tummy, not as far as we knew. ;) Anyway, all the best with that of watermelon pickle. EE

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Anna....I was thinking the other day how you DO look absolutely radiant and beautiful!!! lg

Anonymous said...

And I think you tummy is cute! lg :)

Anonymous said...

Charity, You really wear your pregnancies well. We're not all so lucky as to just have our tummies get big when we're fingers must have gotten bigger permanently because almost 5 months after the fact, I still can't wear my rings. :) Good luck with #4!

Charity said...

Well, at this point, my fingers and toes feel a lot like sausages, but hey, at least I don't have carpal tunnel like I did with the girls. Halleluia for that!

Anonymous said...

actually, i thought the watermelon imagery was pretty accurate. sometimes when i look at you it appears your baby is lying on his side instead of upside down :) but the only reason you look so huge in front is because you've not put weight on anywhere else. it's amazing you have any sense of balance at all! and that you still manage to look so adorable and energetic!

how nice to know you have a target date! i'll be praying that all goes well on the 3rd.

brother_barabbas said...

Do you think it would work for us if I drank the coffee, or must she?

Anonymous said...

12 cups of coffee sound good to me!

Charity said...

No - for men it's mountain dew! (not kidding - i just read that somewhere)