Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Partners in Crime

Zekers and Kari Bou have been living it up since Rachel started Kindergarten. I thought maybe they'd be sad she's gone for part of the day, but although they're always thrilled to see her coming off the bus at 4, in the meantime they've found plenty to occupy themselves with.

The other day they discovered a place in our driveway where the blacktop has disintegrated into something like charcoal, and spent some time covering their bodies with the powder. And their clothes. Kari Bou even managed to get it all over her lips.

On another day, I came down to the basement to tell them how proud I was of them for playing so well together. I was greeted by the overwhelming scent of a bottle of aerosal cologne that's been sitting on the bookshelf for over a year. The air was so thick with it, I could barely see the 2 clowns gleefully spraying each other with the last of the bottle's contents. And they hadn't just gotten each other. It was all over the computer keyboard and motior, the floor, several chairs and the bed. Just being down there for a few minutes gave me a headache for the rest of the day! (But it sure smells good down here now)

Yesterday, I let Zekers nap in Rachel's bed, and Karis went down in her own Dora bed (same room). I checked on them several times, threatened them with spankings when they had trouble settling down; but after a while, it got quiet and I assumed they were peacefully sleeping. HA! An hour later I heard their distinct voices coming from the room, so I went in to see what was going on. They were happily playing up in Rach's bed, where they had torn every one of her Tinkerbell decals off the 2 walls by the bed. The decals were crinkled up and lying on the floor next to the bottom bunk. Also, Karis had destroyed nearly all of her Dora decals. I got them back up eventually, but believe me, it isn't easy, with my current physique, to squeeze between the bed and the wall, collect decals, and crawl up into the top bunk to put them up!

As I write this, they are busy tearing into a package of wet wipes they found in the beach bag from this summer. Since the wipes are mostly dried out by now anyway, I figured I'd let them have their fun and buy myself a few minutes of peace and quiet. They've also taken all 6 cushions off the living room sofas and lined them with towels from the kitchen and bathroom, so that pretty much the entire living room floor is covered. And we have Life Group here tonight!

Oh well, at least they're having the time of their lives . . . .


Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad you were able to get them back up! After all the thought about the decals this summer...I hated to think of them gone forever! ;) Isn't it interesting to be at a stage where having a child gone makes MORE work for you? Someone offered to take Anna for part of the day to 'help' while I do school with the boys. I turned them down b/c it was too scary to imagine keeping Leah busy without her!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I'm still laughing. Sounds a lot like the "fun" we have in our house!

Brooke said...

Wow, what a lot of craziness! It's fun to see kids make each other laugh, but mostly they just feed off each other doing destructive things, huh? I just got caught up on all the posts I have missed. I am not good at keeping up with non-xanga people, sorry :) -Brooke