For the past 7 weeks, I've participated in Beth Moore's study
Stepping Up, which takes an in-depth look at the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). To be honest, some of these Psalms have struck more of a chord with me than others. But I realized I've never studied the Psalms like this before - really delving into them, reading them out loud and praying them. Overall, it's been a good study.
It may sound strange, but partly as a result of this study, and partly through other influences, I have become increasingly grateful for the women God has so graciously placed in my life - faithful servants of Christ who have encouraged, challenged, loved and inspired me.
1. I have been incredibly blessed to be part of a mom's group that meets monthly at our church. I have so enjoyed spending time with other moms who make me feel right at home because many of us share similar struggles, but also similar joys. We have had wonderful speakers - godly women who have shared with us on finding joy in the midst of hard times; becoming more organized; making our husbands a priority; parenting; and how to make our money stretch. I thank God for my friend Rachel, who had the vision for this group to begin with. And our 4 mentors . . . there simply aren't words to express how grateful I am that they are, firstly, willing to invest time and heart in us, and secondly, brave enough to stay for lunch afterward with us and our 30+ non-quiet kids. I am thankful for their spiritual maturity and the wisdom they have to offer as women who have been down this road, and who know and love God's Word.
2. When our pastor and his wife, Daniel and Teressa, moved down south a year ago, it left a huge void in many areas of our church. But since then, and more so in recent months, it has been so very cool to watch women in the church step up to help fill this void. Saturday we had a "sister brunch" where we laughed together, cried together as we heard 2 compelling testimonies of God's grace, sang together, and got to know each other. There was this atmosphere of total joy and unity that I can't even do justice to. We ranged in age from 17 - 90, and yet we came together as sisters in Christ. This was all possible because a whole team of women worked together to put it on, providing everything from decorations to silly ice-breakers to posters advertising the event.
3. I have loved getting to know the women in my small groups during 2 different Bible studies this school year. It never ceases to inspire awe, just hearing about how God is at work in each woman's life in different ways, even though we're all reading the same thing.
4. I'm grateful for friends I've connected with (literally) online since the conception of this blog 2 years ago. I appreciate their insightful, heartfelt, (and sometimes goofy!) comments more than I can say, and I've enjoyed keeping up on what's going on in their world. It is thrilling to be able to develop or renew a relationship - or keep one going - in spite of the many, many miles between us.
5. I can't say enough about the godly mother and mother-in-law I have been blessed with. It takes a lot of love to hold a sick kid for several hours so I can fulfill a previous commitment. Good grief, it takes a lot of love to even be around our family with any kind of regularity - nothing but barely-controlled chaos and noise most of the time! Not to mention the surprising fact that both of them survived our childhood and adolescent years with their sanity almost intact. But there is no doubt in my mind that they love us and will continue to love us as long as they live. That, my friends, is a gift.
6. I am so incredibly thankful for the support network of girlfriends that God has placed in my life. I would be in a world of hurt without both my earthly and spiritual sisters! Friends who sense that I'm having a hard week and offer to help with the kids for a few hours or bring over a meal; friends who challenge, encourage, and help keep me accountable; friends who bring joy to my heart and buoy me up with their prayers. Friends who are at the exact same place in life as me; friends who are a few steps ahead on the path, and friends who are a few steps behind; and friends who are way ahead, with grandkids and great-grandkids. Friends who have caused me to grow and change and think more deeply about things that matter. My life is so much richer because of you, and I wish you all could read this. Maybe a few of you will. Just know that God has used you to bless me, more than I could ever imagine.
I love you, sisters!